By Magie

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Moon Energy Forecast for 2023 and Full Moon Leo, February 5 2023

Tune in on the energies of the moon for this entire year of 2023! 

Moon Energy Forecasts for 2023 

We’re just waking up from the winter solstice and are ready to get going with all our ideas and plans. To better understand how to pursue all your creative endeavors, ideas and projects make sure you watch this video! 

Tuning in on the energies of the moon brings us a wisdom and understanding of our subconscious as well as our emotions and divine feminine. In this video, I present some energetic themes for the year to come. At the end of the moon message, we do a short meditation together for this upcoming full moon on February 5th, 2023. 

Some of the themes we explore are:

  • How can I deepen what I already have / know / feel / do? 

  • Move slow and steady as you rebuild your foundations. 

  • The truth is in me. 

  • Implementation. If you fall, get back up again. 

And more. We go deeper into how these energies can show up for you, but more importantly, how you can work with them during the coming lunar cycles. 

I’ve put together a printable pdf for you with the Moon Energy Forecast messages for 2023 that comes with writing prompts to help you navigate each theme. You will get this for free when you buy my poster My Path, which is a piece of channeled art to support you on your way to live in alignment with the lunar cycles. (The only way to get the pdf is to purchase the poster).

Get My Path Moon Poster here!

Full Moon Leo February 5th, 2023

The full moon of February 5th 2023, occurs in the sign of Leo according to western astrology. 

In vedic astrology, the moon dwells in the lunar mansion of Magha (the heart of the lion). And according to the Aztec and Mayan calendar, where my tradition has its roots, Sunday February 5th is the day of Tecpatl (the flint knife). 

It is an auspicious time to cut through non-truth and get back to your spiritual practice, the place where you can speak your highest truth. Take nothing for granted, create and transform into the change you wish to see. Use your art to do so. Let’s dive into the meditation together. Watch the video now!


In Love,


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