The following shamanic practices aim to ground and heal the body, mind and soul. They invite you to come dance with your Shakti Power, to stand face to face with your Sacred Feminine, your darkness and deep healing abilities. Through your commitment and trust, they offer you a chance to heal your relations to Mother Earth and the Sacred Feminine inside and around you. The circle work offer a safe space for you to Root into the dark earth and thereby Rise higher into the Light Being that you are. 

“First when we know how to see in the dark we know how to fully see the true light.”

~Magdalena Chandrakaí

We hold space together as we join in individual journeys where I intuitively guide us based in the framework of the Mexica Moon Dance tradition and Curanderismo. 

Ceremonies/Journeys are offered as part of festivals, retreats or other healing journeys, as well as separate ceremonies in various places around the world. I enjoy being invited and to share this work, so if you have or know of a space where you would like to explore any of these journeys, please contact me. I am usually found in a red wooden house in the south of Sweden or in the jungles of Costa Rica. 

Ometeotl /Magdalena Etzalitzin  

Mexica Temascal / Sweat lodge

I have been blessed by my teachers to share the Mexica sweat lodge. The sweat lodge or temazcal is a ceremony or ritual that is part of many Native American as well as Latin American traditions. The healing process aims at working therapeutically on the physical body, to spiritually purify, and to meet, heal and cleanse fears and negative aspects of the mind. Through this ceremony, we enter the womb of Mother Earth to remember where we once came from, to remove ignorance and, thus, to remember who we truly are. We will be re-birthed. It is a ceremony that is profound, healing and nourishing. Read more about the temascal 

Moon Ceremony

The Moon Circle is usually held around Full moon or New Moon, but we can do this work at any time of the cycle.

We tune in to the energies of Grandmother Moon and allow our spirit guides to lead us into the healing work we need to do for ourselves and for Mother Earth. The ceremony may include, but is not limited to, traditional and shamanic healing techniques such as:

Sacred Movements, Drumming, Sound Journey Exploration with shamanic instruments, Storytelling, Sharing, Talking Stick, Journaling, Prayer work, Smudging, Sacred Pipe ceremony and Sweat lodge/Temascal. I also share intuitive messages in talks or songs.

Women Circle

I hold space for the group of women and lead us through the healing journey we need. I share intuitive messages from the Holy Goddesses and Star Beings in talks or songs. We focus on connecting with our own Divine Feminine powers, the essence of feminine flow and bring it to our hearts.

The circle work may include, but is not limited to, traditional and shamanic healing techniques such as:

Sacred Movements, Drumming, Sound Journey Exploration with shamanic instruments, Storytelling, Sharing, Talking Stick, Journaling, Prayer work, Smudging.

Mexica Pipe Ceremony

We pray and meditate with the Obsidian peace pipe from the Mexica Moondance tradition. I am a carrier of the Obsidian Moon Dance pipe and have completed the obligatory first 4 years to achieve this responsibility. (Not available for booking. ) 

Please note that you need previous experience of space holding (for yourself), meditation and commitment to join my ceremonies. If in doubt, contact me or see Spiritual Leadership Training contents.

Energy exchange is agreed upon beforehand.