Full Moon Energy Forecast Capricorn, July 3, 2023
Channeled message for the Full Moon in Capricorn, July 3, 2023
Time to practice saying No with that sweet love voice you opened up for at the new moon. Know your boundaries, your rhythm and routines well while opening to more, more, more of the new love frequencies and forms of uniting. Be brave to walk towards maturity with your planning and flexibility hand in hand. New doors will give you the road less traveled.
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The themes for this Full Moon in Capricorn, and for us to work with during the rest of the Lunar cycle are:
Keep the rhythm while opening to more of the unknown
Let joy lead the way
Where are you going?
Keep the rhythm while opening to more of the unknown
How can we honor our ancestors, and the traditional ways of doing things- keeping the rhythm, while opening to more of the new?
This is a time to:
say NO with firm love
know your own structures, paths and ways while
accepting all roads, paths and structures
We’re in a time of a whole new way of co-creating, co-existing and uniting. It’s more important than ever that we know our boundaries, know how to and when to say No. This No must spring from a source of love. From a place where we are open, so open to the divine unconditional love, and still manage to put the foot down when needed. That’s when we can give a loving No, create and offer a loving boundary.
Boundaries are always opportunities for growth, when we choose to see them as such (don’t mistake boundaries for rules though!).
With boundaries we can point and navigate our own energy, help others’ with theirs, and with loving boundaries we can move a whole group forward.
Download your Free Workbook 4 Signs you have poor Boundaries and How To Fix Them
To create more space, more flow and more love, we need a rhythm. I love how Waldorff pedagogy talks about rhythm rather than schemes and schedules. It’s a circle way of planning; can we be planned while led by intuition? Yes, when we know the rhythms, the ways and the rituals enough. Honoring our ancestors and the traditional ways of doing things is a portal for many of us. While honoring the sun and the moon, we eventually find our own ways of living in tune with their rhythm.
That will eventually lead to self-mastery and leadership.
Another take on this energy is the “New Earth Energy”. While some of us dive deeper into the ancestral wisdoms to find our openings, and understand the current energy available to us, some won’t feel these energies as ancient. A big group of people experience the current energies as new earth energy, and we’re seeing so many different ways of opening up to different forms, colors, views, ways really just to invite in more of the higher love frequency.
Keep in mind however, that boundaries and rhythm are crucial to stay grounded, to know your feet, know your own path and where that road takes You.
This is unique to everyone, which is more true than ever.
Let joy lead the way
Call in the massive divine feminine energy that is available to us now and trust the process. Shakti, or the feminine, is really roaring at this time in herstory. She’s ready to give us all new awakenings, over and over, in areas and ways we wouldn't think of ourselves. She wants to be heard and seen in all of us, and around us.
She’s sick of suppression and wants to get her place in the offices, in the home, in the gym, simply everywhere where you don't let her out!
Why are you doing your rituals or attending circles, when not showing that side of you always? Why are you hiding in the dark? Shakti wants beauty and bliss and joy and play. The divine feminine also wants to unite with the sacred masculine, and she wants to be part of everything we do, create and live. How?
A good way to start is with the previous theme; your rhythms and routines and incorporating those into every aspect of your life. For instance, plan your schedule according to the moon, not the other way around. To help with getting a moon flow in all areas of your life, check out my Free Workshop The phases of the Moon here.
A next step would be to follow the joy. How can we give endlessly, create endlessly and do all the things we wanna do without feeling like life’s too short? Invite Shakti for real!! The divine feminine wants to be full, like the full moon. She wants to be full of abundance, love, magic, joy….so full that it’s pouring over and makes little pools of love everywhere…. That’s the power we want! That’s the power we need to embody.
And that’s the power that’s available to us right now, if we allow her in and understand how to work with her in our own lives.
Bringing this force of nature to a more tangible first action step towards embodiment would be to let joy lead the way. We started practicing a change in consciousness and the mind already at the gemini new moon. Now it’s time to take our practice outside of the mat and into the world. Remember to not force it, don't push. Trust the process and take one step at a time.
Where are you going?
We might feel a strong pull towards staying safe, staying at home, staying in that same place. Caretaking is always valuable and an important creative force. However, as we noticed at the New Moon in Gemini, we need to practice balance.
So this full moon asks us to take our shoes on and walk for a little bit. Walk just to explore, and walk to meditate. Get out of your comfort zone, your comfy hamaca (or couch!), and let summer show you those new roads.
The full moon in Capricorn wants us to re-evaluate our plan for the coming moons (and for the rest of this year).
Energies are shifting fast now, and what was true some weeks or days ago might feel like old tomatoes now. Summertime, and this full moon energy, could play an important role for your next phase in this journey that is life.
Where are you going, really? Are you seeing roads now that weren't available to you before? Jump on opportunities coming your way! Even if you are being asked to be flexible and creative to make it work. Again, finding that balance to all sides of you, and balancing the current sun and moon energies.
The door is there, will you walk through it? You might end up finding insights and partners and further openings that you couldn't dream of or that wasn't there before!
Remember to stay mature in your planning and decision making.
Create room in your rhythm, ask joy and Shakti to lead the way as you start moving. Things might seem confusing or even scary at first but the world family is awaiting. Be willing to work for what it is that you want to achieve. Work as in having the courage to move, to plan and lead yourself onwards. Create a roadmap, make a structure or rhythm for your coming moons. But don’t leave out your re-evaluation first!
Full Moon Ritual
For our Full Moon Ritual, I recommend being outdoors to lean into a deep contact with mother nature energy.
Stand with your feet firmly in the ground.
Feel all of your toes, heels and corners of your feet into the soft earth.
Establish a full yogic breath; let inhalation and exhalation be of equal length.
Let the breath relax your body and take you where you need to go right in this moment.
Start breathing through your heart and chest. Inhale and open the heart space. Exhale and relax the heart space- create more space with your exhalation.
Keep this breath until it feels comfortable.
Continue with moving your toes, heels and feet. Find a sound around you, or within. Listen to it and start moving your body to its rhythm.
Continue for as long as you feel called to. Close this practice with sitting down in the grass and bringing out your workbook for 2023.
Moon Reflections
Write down how you feel in your body and mind after the full moon ritual you just did.
For our reflection practices, we use the Moon Messages for 2023. Download here. It’s time to re-evaluate and reflect on our current journey.
Answer the questions in the workbook from where you’re at right now.
Write the answers intuitively to yourself. Without thinking, just let the pen flow on the paper….
Feel free to share with our community about your insights. Join our free telegram group, where we share, support and deepen our practices and journeys into any of the moon training, arts, conversations and forecasts I offer. Click here to join
In Love,
Magic Magie
ps. the first round of oils sold out fast! I’ll be making ONE MORE batch. Place your order on natural Sun oil, Magic oil roller or Insect repellent in the shop this week!
pps. I wanna invite you to hang out with me in a closed forum, to share, support, and deepen our practices and journeys into any of the moon trainings, art, conversations and forecasts. Join for free here.