By Magie

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Full Moon Energy Forecast Sagittarius, June 4, 2023

Channeled message for the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4th, 2023

Enjoy the ride of movements, meetings and fun. Practice staying in your zone of genius, and the higher love frequencies, while connecting, playing and stepping into the realness of future self. 

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The themes for this Full Moon in Sagittarius, and for us to work with during the rest of the Lunar cycle are:

  • Finding the tribes

  • Moving towards the future

  • Trust the flow

Finding the tribes

We’re called into communities, social interactions and togetherness. We’re called to meet our groups. And groups to meet other groups. Go back to the Moon Messages for 2023 and have a look at the reflection work you did then, and how to upgrade even more now! We are currently moving towards that theme of My new circle is ready to play, and old friends are finding each other again, which I mentioned in the 2023 forecast, go back and check it out here. 

Download your Free Workbook with Lunar Messages for 2023 here. 

We’re starting something, shooting arrows of love towards new relationships of all sorts. Pay attention to who’s coming your way, and ask yourself:

how can we play together? How can we grow together?

Start spinning your web to find your new and old tribe again. 

If you’ve been doing your work for these past weeks, you shall feel ready now, more than ever. Ready because you know yourself, your highest truth and what ideas you wish to birth forth, alone as well as with the help from the community. 

We do need community, togetherness and other people to birth and create a lot of things, personal art as well as collective change. Be sure to find a good balance of both in your life. As amazing as it might feel to join and unite with others, and especially in creation with other beings, stay honest with yourself. What needs to be born from the group, and what is yours alone to take full responsibility for and to stay with all the way? Go back to the reflection, journaling and practices you did at the New Moon in Taurus should you need a reminder. 

Yes, this is a time to enjoy each other!

If you wish to maintain the ride, the playtime and the fun, Grandmother Moon asks us to not get too carried away but simultaneously plan ahead. This could mean things like exchanging contacts with the people you meet and consider wanting in your tribe; stay moving as in not getting caught up in one person or one group at this time. The time for that will come too. For now, enjoy the rollercoaster of spinning your web, upside down and all around!

Moving towards the future

We’ve had some serious cleansing and consideration to do for the past weeks, and the shadow phase of Mercury Retrograde has been intense to say the least! Be ready for here we go now. At the New Moon forecasts on May 19th, we talked about preparing the soil for the new through cleaning the way. With this full moon in Sagittarius, we take yet a shift and step forward towards that tangible yet dreamy and very near future dream of ours!

So, whatever that looks like for you, now is the time to move towards your dreams, your goals, your highest truth in all ways possible.

Bury that which doesn’t serve, once and for all. There are new ways available to us now. There’s new technology available, new frequencies and new ways of living right in front of our eyes. 

The sagittarius full moon on June 4th, 2023 wants us to aim high because there’s no other way to go from here but forward, beyond the treetops, straight to the stars.

What have you been dreaming of ? What have you been waiting for, longing for, what is that inner calling that wants to come out and be LIVED, loved, embraced?

Don’t worry, there could be many things, there could be new things and most likely, there’s something else. Have you been feeling lately that what you dream of, where you feel the calling, is something completely different than from a few years ago? Maybe even different from last year! We’re in rapid change because mother earth, and all of us, needs that special voice and gifts of yours to come out and be shared with the world. The world needs for all of us to live in our truth and highest calling. And yes, this could be many things!

The energy we’re in since a few years, and I’ve mentioned it since 2020, is sometimes referred to as “new earth energy”.

I usually talk about this energy as living from a place of higher love. And THAT is the future we’re all moving towards. How and what that looks like for you differs from what that looks like for the person next to you, even though we’re living under the same roof, sharing the life journey together. We all have unique gateways, callings, expressions, practices that take us into connection, into flow, into that zone of genius! 

For someone, it’s gardening, for another it’s singing, for me it’s writing. What is that for you? Share below!

When we’ve found that gateway into the higher frequencies of love (yes! available for ALL of us, not just “those doing spiritual stuff”), but you have to take the leap! Then it’s time to start moving towards the future. Meaning, learning how to hold it. Hold the frequency like an alchemist. That requires some serious practicing, but it’s completely accessible. If you’re curious on how to practice holding and containing the high new love energy, be sure to check back on the new moon as I’ll release a practice that could support precisely that!

Trust the flow

As we journey this high speed, high frequency, high love movements of the full moon for the coming weeks, luna’s asking us to trust. A big dose of divine feminine energy will wash through us, ushering us even more forward when we lean into trust and surrender to the flow. 

Surrender to the flow, and enjoy the ride even tho you might not know where it’s taking you in every given moment.

Part of the fun, and magic! of life is the Not Knowing. The magic is the feeling, the trusting, the letting go and giving it all. 

Do you want a loving reminder and support on the go? Check out my affirmation card here.

Remember to trust yourself also. You were born to do this. Trust that you know your dreams and goals, and thus, where you’re going. Trust the work you’ve been doing and the prayers you send out.

With this full moon in Sagittarius, on June 4th 2023, let your hair loose, lean back, and enjoy the ride (with a notebook and pen in your hand, ready to track anything that catches your attention) ! 

Full Moon Ritual

For our  Full Moon Ritual,  choose the most comfortable position for you at this moment; standing, sitting or laying down. 

Moving Stillness

Close your eyes and place your hands on your body, for instance one hand on the belly and the other on your heart. 

Inhale through the nose while exhaling through the mouth. 

Let the exhalation wash through you and let go of everything you don’t need in this precise moment.

Continue for as long as you need. Feeling into the body, and into the breath. 

For every breath, lean deeper into the body. Lean deeper into the breath.

After a while, start tapping into the feeling of Life in your breath. 

Feel how life is flowing, moving inside your still body. Feel the air of your breath. 

If you work with an affirmation, now is a good time to cite it. 

Or stay receptive to what messages come your way. 

After 10 minutes or so, start bringing yourself back to the room and gently open your eyes. 

In the video, we do a meditation together and I mention things I don’t write here. Be sure to check it out too!

Moon Reflections 

Write down how you feel in your body and mind after the full moon ritual you just did. 

Follow up with this question:

  •  What takes me to that deep connection with self? 

  • When am I in my zone of genius, and what does that feel like?

Write the answers intuitively to yourself. Without thinking, just let the pen flow on the paper….

Feel free to share with our community about your insights. In the comments to this post, or email me.

Sending you so much love, 


Magic Magie

ps. the first round of oils are now sold out. Please contact me no later than week 24 if you want your natural Sun oil, Magic oil roller or Insect repellent. I look forward to meeting some of you in person to give it over!

pps. I wanna invite you to hang out with me in a closed forum, to share, support, and deepen our practices and journeys into any of the moon trainings, art, conversations and forecasts. Join for free here.

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