Full Moon Energy Forecast Virgo, March 7 2023
/Channeled message for the Full Moon in Virgo March 7, 2023
The urge to move is showing us the way forward. Watch out for signs to learn how to proceed and how to re-create your schedule. Focus on one structural area to gain more stability. Our health will be high-lighted.
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The themes coming up around the time for this Full Moon in virgo, and for us to work with during the rest of this lunar cycle are:
It’s time to move
Wellbeing is crucial and our responsibility
Start spinning your web
More stability will come
It’s time to MOVE.
Just because it looks fancy now, doesn’t mean it’s going to work long-term. You’ve probably already started to get a hint of what’s not working and what would be a wiser idea to proceed with. If you did your reflections at the new moon, you’re a few steps ahead already. Stay open to fresh perspectives and ideas on old routines or habits that need a bit of a shift and push forward.
Use these coming weeks to re-organize and create new structure for the space you created previously in this moon cycle. Utilize and carry out the wisdom you gained from letting go of outdated stuff (services, things, work, tasks, objects…).
You’ll see clearly now how to continue to move steadily forward as you lay out new patterns and start taking actions towards new routines.
We all outgrow old ways of doing things, and we need to update software, ourselves, our wardrobe, our business and website….every so often. Now is a good time to do so as we have clarity from these past two weeks. Pay attention to signs coming your way that might point you in a direction you haven’t seen before. But resist the urge to jump on every idea that shows up, or to move too soon. Listen within and you’ll know when the time is right to move.
Wellbeing is crucial and our responsibility
An overlying theme for the coming weeks, as we move into brighter days, is our health and wellbeing. Look for balance and health in all of the other themes as it is a crucial foundation for good flow and stability.
We understand wellbeing in many different ways and formats. Simply having a set routine or schedule (for your practice, health awareness, work, play, creations or whatever area really) IS in itself, wellbeing. Trust that you are creating better health for yourself and the world as you do your practice.
Having said that, some of us might need to be more focused on the area of health and wellbeing than others, in regards to bodily and mental health. Especially if you: are faced with a major imbalance right now and/ or have difficulty grounding. Luna helps us ground so stay with your moon practice to balance out strong energies flooding right now and for the weeks to come.
Mentoring Programme
I give you the exact teachings that helped me become my own Spiritual Leader + support you on your path to living in tune with the moon. Read More here.
Start spinning your web
We mentioned in the Moon Energy Forecast for the whole year of 2023, that old friends will find each other again and that our new circle is ready to play. At this point in the bigger cycle, we start to lay out that pattern. No need to be too observant of this, for now just enjoy the ride and try to say YES more often than not. If it feels good, go in that direction even if you’re unsure of the outcome. It’s time to explore how big our new circle is and where in that web we can find each other again.
Go deeper with the Moon Energy Forecast -> Get the workbook “Moon Messages for 2023” when you order My Path Moon Art here.
Look to nature, how is she’s starting to wake up around you as spring is unfolding. See the great tit (talgoxe) look for mates and build their spring abode. How can we too have spring in our steps and meet while maintaining our energy? What does it take for you to stay joyous and present as you start sharing your energy with the world?
More stability will come
This relates to our first theme, as it has to do with routines and patterns. We’ve now had a few cycles of trying out our routines for this year, starting ourselves up after the winter, as well as our projects. During the coming weeks, we’ll settle more into what projects to continue with and where to go deeper. Thus, we start to experience a stability in our flow as well as our routines. The schedule settles to become more clear, especially if you did your clearing out previously this cycle and earlier this year.
Regardless, we’ll all feel the need to work with a clear structure- be it a health scheme, working schedule or task management. In what area of your life have you felt the need for more stability, clarity and flow? Focus your energy on that place and work with what comes your way. Trust the process.
This, in turn, is how we gain more awareness around our creative process and its unfolding. Yes, it’s an intuitive road. Yet, when we become aware of all the steps from idea to finish, we start to master the creative beings that we are. And life flows more easily. It takes practice, willpower and awareness to get there so don’t expect it to happen overnight! If you want tools and help with mapping out the steps and actions needed to reach your creative vision, book your 1-on-1 Spiritual Leadership Mentoring Programme here.
Full Moon Ritual
Take out your sacred objects and create a beautiful space for you to do your Full Moon Ritual Meditation. Make sure you have a pen and paper handy.
Lay down on your back. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. As you exhale, let the spine sink deeper into the floor beneath you.
If you wish, close your eyes. Otherwise, fix your gaze on a still point above you.
Continue to breathe; in through the nose and out through the mouth. Let the breath become deeper and slower.
While you breathe, silently repeat the words: I let my energy settle.
Let the words sink into your belly button. Continue for a few more minutes, 5-15.
Whatever comes up, let it be. It’s OK.
When you feel ready, get to your feet and do a forward fold.
Inhale and role your spine all the way up to standing, bring your arms above your head. Exhale roll back down again. Repeat 5 times.
Continue with the moon reflections below.
In the video, we do a meditation together and I mention things I don’t write here. Be sure to check it out too! Thanks for reading and sharing. Let me know in the comments how the moon's energy affects you right now!
Moon Reflections
Write down these questions and let the pen give you the answers to one at a time:
Do I feel the urge to move, if so, where?
What type of structure do I need moving forward?
Sit with your moon reflections for as long as you need. Write down what more comes up. Let us know in the comments how this practice worked for you!
Do you want to live in tune with the moon and start to lead yourself from a place of balance and love? I mean, in all situations, at all times? Thought so. Book 1-on-1 mentoring with me here.
Ometeotl, In Love,
Ps. Do you like the long Moon Letters with meditations and prompts? Let me know by clicking here!
Thanks for reading and sharing.