Nomadic Yogi: Ant Medicine

This video was shot at the beach the other day, where I was captivated by the hard work and....

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How To Travel Cheap in Sweden

How To Travel Cheap in Sweden

This is the story of me and my best friend backpacking from the south of Sweden to the very north with only a few dollars (or Swedish crowns rather) in our pockets, a tent and a couple yoga mats.

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Road Trip in Costa Rica's Paradise

The last few days, we’ve been on the road and I have managed to have a few relaxing moments without work ;) We rented a 4-wheel drive in San Jose and headed south on the west coast, towards a small beach village called Uvita. The guidebooks happily refer to this part of the country as “the real Costa Rica”, meaning this is what Costa looked like before tourism created beach towns with hotels, restaurants and roads. I’d say that statement is exaggerated as the main highway runs all the way down to Panama and is a proper, good road to drive on. Sure, there are no towns to be seen (and obviously the further south you get the more national parks and less people there are) but there are plenty of hotels and you need a car to get around. The tourism here is rather for the ones who have money.

Uvita and its surroundings are amazingly beautiful, remote and tranquil. Even though we are traveling in the backwash of high season, we found empty beaches and quiet waterfalls. The Uvita beach and the ones following south are all part of the Marino Ballena National Park and, thus, are protected and preserved with the help of an entrance fee, certified guides and the like. Needless to say, that makes the area clean and home to many interesting animals such as dolphins, whales, turtles and colorful fish. We went for a boat and snorkeling tour to swim in the warm ocean and say hello to the playful dolphins in the bay.

After a few days of spectacular beaches, ocean, animals, waterfalls and yoga on a wooden deck in the jungle we jumped back in the car and headed towards Jacó. I have earlier tried to explain Jaco, but it has to be experienced and that is precisely why I took my sister here last year, and now Ola. It is intense though and I can only stand it for a couple days in a row. One morning I did my practice on a hard concrete floor, among the fumes of last night’s beer. Challenges make you grow.

The Famous Jacó Sunset

After Jaco, we headed north and today we made a road trip from Tamarindo to Nosara. All of Nicoya Peninsula requires a 4-wheel drive, patient and a lot of time. Just this short trip took longer than expected due to gravel roads, roadwork and car accidents. We had a great day tho, and shot a short video for you. My first vlog haha Enjoy! And comment below if you do=)

Today, I'm starting my next project; the Yoga Teacher Training here in Guanacaste. I look forward to 3 weeks of deep asana practice and further self-exploration! See you in a few weeks=)

Pura Vida

Work Weekend in San José

Every time I visit the capital of Costa Rica I have a list of things I need to get done and buy and people to visit. It is busy, but I like it! This last time, I went to buy yarn for Made By Magie’s famous Yoga Socks and material for the MBM jewelry. Thanks to having done some research on where to shop for these rather specific things during my first year in Costa I crossed of the list fairly fast and had time to visit a friend in Ciudad Colon for a cooking gathering Friday night! In addition to bulk up with even more stuff to carry around (hrm), I was gonna try selling some products at the organic market Feria Verde where my friend sells his raw food. This is the place where you find vegan ice cream, raw food, the coming week's veggies, handicrafts, incense, and organic and local everything. In addition, it is a good hang out with amazing people and a tranquil oasis in down town San Jose.

Vegan CocoChoco ice cream YUM! At Feria Verde de Aranjuéz, San José Costa Rica

Vegan CocoChoco ice cream YUM! At Feria Verde de Aranjuéz, San José Costa Rica

From 7 am to 1 pm Saturday I was eating yumminess, catching up with friends, meeting new ones, selling some tinctures and buying a great deal of good-to-have things.

As I’ve mentioned before, Saturday is when people in San Jose hang out in the parks all day, doing all kinds of fun stuff together. Needless to say, we went straight from the market to chill in Parque Morazan where we listened to bongo drums and watched some kind of silent operetta.

Barrio Escalante, Feria Verde

Barrio Escalante, Feria Verde

Hula-hoops is the new thing here, are they popular in Sweden and other places too?

Parque Morazán, San José Costa Rica. Enamorate de tu ciudad.

How Lonely Planet can claim this city to be grey, dirty and boring is to me a great mystery. Backpackers are happy to sign their statement and on their website LP has a list over the world’s worst cities, where San José comes as number 10. Why? 

By singing, dancing and playing music together, your heart frequencies become the same and, thus, you are spreading good vibrations to the world where they bounce on to other people, sharing the love. Too me, that's the opposite of grey and boring!

What is your least favorite city?

Vad Gör Man i Växjö på Vintern?

Vad Händer i Växjö på Vintern? Här kommer en Topp 5!


Många, både i och utanför Sverige verkar tro att vintern i norr enbart handlar om kyla, mörker och mer kyla. Självklart är det kallt men man kan ju virka sina egna sockor, mössor, pannband, vantar och annat man kan tänkas behöva för att hålla sig varm- som folk gjort i alla tider! Vill man inte göra det själv så går det självklart bra att beställa från Made By Magie :)

Vintern är en tid för vila och att vända sig inåt. Särskilt november kan vara utmanande och ställa krav på att man möter sina inre demoner. Men sen i december börjar allt sakta förändras. Vi förbereder oss för något: att ljuset ska återvända! Detta händer på vintersolståndet den 21/22 december (för norra hemisfären). Hela december är som en väg av ljus för att påminna oss om att mörkret snart minskar. Under tiden kan vi passa på att njuta av en massa trevligheter runt omkring; svenskar verkar vara bra på att skapa utrymmen för att dela värme, musik och leenden.

Jag har skrivit den här listan till alla er som vill boosta vinterinspiration. För senaste nytt, spana in Växjös gratistidning och evenemangskalendern. Nedan listar jag några av mina favoritaktiviteter under december. 


1. Julmarknaden på Kulturparken Småland. Om du av en anledning eller annan letar julklappar så kan du både hitta innovativa presenter och bli inspirerad. Genom att besöka marknaden har du har möjlighet att stödja hantverkskonsten och uppmuntra unga konstnärer, eftersom designprogrammet även säljer sina alster. Både trevligare än stora shopping-gallerior och mer hållbart för vårt samhälle! Dessutom får du ju gå runt och mysa på museet en hel dag (varning för labyrintgångar!). 

2. En riktigt fin högtrycksdag med sol och lagom mycket kyla traskar jag gärna omkring i naturen, runt någon av Växjös många sjöar. På den här listan föreslår jag Bokhultet eftersom det ligger nära stan men ändå så pass långt iväg att det känns som man kommit ut på landet. Oljud från stadens tempo hörs inte här. Det är det bara fågelsång som gör. Ta en liten paus för att andas i skogen, njuta av solstrålarna och värmande ayurvediskt te eller choklad.

Ljusdekoration skapad av Moder Jord

3.  Samlas för värme, ljus och gemenskap genom Yoga och Kirtan. Håll koll på Yoga By Magie, Ananda Yoga, Kirtan och Veda för senaste nytt gällande workshops, jul-och nyårsyoga! 

4. Även om kristendom inte är din grej så är du fortfarande välkommen att lyssna på gratis konserter i kyrkan. Domkyrkan arrangerar ett flertal konserter under december och, ja, de är ofta baserade på sånger som tillhör den patriarkaliska religion som kallas Kristendomen. Men det spelar ingen roll eftersom musiken, värmen, tillhörigheten och de goda vibrationerna från sången ändå sänder ut kärlek som fyller bröstkorgen. Och Love is all you need! 

5. Den här punkten är något som jag rekommenderar att göra var du än är och närhelst i tiden du befinner dig: titta upp och lägg märke till detaljerna runt dig! Se skönheten i din hemstad (där man vanligen blir ”hemmablind”), lägg märke till livets underbara detaljer; både de skapade av Moder Jord och de som är planterade av människohand. Som glaskonsten på Sandgärdsgatan t.ex. Ta en paus i ditt fikande och promenera längs med glasgatan för att ge konsten lite extra uppmärksamhet innan du går vidare till nästa kaffe.

Så kryp ut ur era glögg-möten och njut av snön, ljusdekorationerna, marknaderna och musiken! Har du själv några sköna vintertips? Dela med dig av inspirerande ord och aktiviteter i kommentarerna nedan!

We are all love

We are all one




More Posts on Sweden

How To Enjoy Växjö During Winter

Top 5 in Växjö

Many people whom I have encountered on my travels seem to believe that winter in the North is only about cold, darkness and more cold. Yes, it is cold but you can make your own woollen socks, gloves, hats and what not to keep warm. And if you’re not up for making them yourself you can always buy from Made By Magie :)

Winter is a time for introspection and rest. Especially November, and then in December it is starting to change. We are preparing for something: the light to return! This happens on the winter solstice 21st of December (for the Northern hemisphere). All of December is like a path of light to remind us that it will soon change. In the meantime, there is so much around us to enjoy! Get-togethers and happenings are things Swedes are good at during winter: get warm together by sharing smiles and songs!

I made this lis for all of you who thought winter (and Växjö in particular) was all about drinking alcohol to get warm. And, for those of you who want some winter inspiration of course! Here are some of the things I enjoy during winter in Vtown.


1.    Let’s start on December 1st with the Xmas market at Kulturparken Småland. This market is huge, and where you are guaranteed to find innovative Xmas gifts and get inspired enough for a month! Attending this event also means that you support the art of handicraft and young artists in their work, since the design programme from Uni sells their art at the market. Oh, plus the fact that you can muse around the museum for hours, trying to find your way around (out)! Continue the afternoon with the market on the street Storgatan, called Julskyltningen.


2.  On a sunny, preferably cold instead of wet, day I like to walk by one of Växjö’s many lakes. Here, I’m suggesting Bokhultet since it’s close enough to town but far away enough to feel like the countryside. Town noises don’t reach here. The sunrays and bird singing do though. Take a break and breathe in the forest. Also, bring hot tea or cacao with warming spices

Light decoration created by Mother Earth

3. During all of December you are most likely to find me at Veda Yoga, where there is always something going on in terms of yoga-and-mantra workshops, donation classes on Friday mornings and my personal favorite (which has become a tradition when I’m in Sweden): Xmas yoga.


4.  Maybe you’re not into religion and it doesn’t really matter because you are still welcome to enjoy the free concerts in church. Domkyrkan in town arranges heaps of concerts during December, and yes they are based on songs from the suppressing patriarchal religion named Christianity. However, the music, the warmth and togetherness through good vibrations from the singing are still sending out love. And love is all you need!

5. This is something I’d like to encourage you to do whenever and wherever you are: to look up and see the details around you! See the beauty in your hometown, notice life’s lovely details both those created by Mother Nature and those put there by human hand. Like the glass art at Sandgärdsgatan for instance. Bored much? Stroll down that street and give the artwork an extra look, as a pause between your fikas (coffee).

So, get out of your glögg-gatherings people and enjoy the snow, the light decorations, the markets and the music! Please share with me what you enjoy with winter in the comments below!


We are all one

We are all love



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