Nomadic Yogi: Ant Medicine

This video was shot at the beach the other day, where I was captivated by the hard work and....

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How To Travel Cheap in Sweden

How To Travel Cheap in Sweden

This is the story of me and my best friend backpacking from the south of Sweden to the very north with only a few dollars (or Swedish crowns rather) in our pockets, a tent and a couple yoga mats.

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Studying abroad in Costa Rica: this is all you need to know Part 3

Read Part One about Visa details

Read Part Two about Flight tickets


1.    Where to?

So, now you’ve decided to move to Paradise to study- where will you go? Again, the starting point for this article is exchange through Swedish Universities, first and foremost Linnaeus University, and thus there are three options to choose from. Even if you shouldn’t choose USAC to study with, these guides can be used generally to decide on what part of the country you want to live in. If you are interested in more specific areas, other areas, more tips, or want me to write about something that is not mentioned here: WRITE me! Comment below or send me an email :)

Heredia and San Ramón (San José)

The San José area has a sunny mountain coolness that turns into real cold at nighttime (except during summer), astonishing views, busy town(s) and a maze-like bus system. If you opt for a city life and a cultural scene either of these should be good options. There are plenty of buses to take you all around San José, both in the center and to the outskirts.

Find schedule between Heredia – San José and San Ramón – San José hereIn addition, buses for the Caribbean coast, West Coast, Guanacaste, Nicaragua, Panama etc. depart from around the capital.

The environment offers- in addition to mountains- trees and green nature despite both places being quite busy cities. There are plenty more everyday activities around than the beach option (Puntarenas), such as the movies, theatre, concerts, restaurants, coffee places, yoga studios, gyms and other workout places. Downtown San José and all of its parks also offer regular events, such as free activities on Saturdays with Enámorate de tu ciudad, organic festivals, markets, concerts and more. Read more about the capital of Costa Rica here.


Is the natural option if you want to live by the beach. Puntarenas is a fishing village and still today a lot of boats and ships come, go and randomly hang out outside the harbors. This includes the huge cruise ships that about once a week dock along Paseo de los Turistas- for the tourists to beach it and buy coffee. Due to Puntarenas’ industry, and of course a bunch of other things, the beach and most of town is dirty. It is a great place as a starting point for your travels, since it’s a kind of transportation hub of the west coast. The ferry easily takes you to Nicoya Peninsula and busses leave regularly for both Guanacaste in the North, Jaco, Manuel Antonio and all the beaches on the southwest coast, San Ramón and San José. The town is small without any real activities besides the beach, a couple touristy restaurants and football games at the stadium every now and again. As with all places, Puntarenas has its charm. For instance, it offers tranquility and a chance to live in the heart of the Tico culture. The opportunity to practice Spanish here is great too since around town there is not much English spoken (as soon as you get away from El Paseo de los Turistas that is). The city center is cute with a useful and decent food market that brings you local fruits, veggies, fish and more.

2.             Oh, you fell in love in Central America, Costa Rica and Paradise too? How to extend the stay

Volunteering. That is the word. If you have money left still, there are also a lot of interning opportunities around the country. Simply, I’ve put together a list of links you can have a look at according to your preferred interest. Sure, it takes some time reading through it all, send applications, make decisions and what not but you wanted to stay, right? Remember that YOU are the only one in charge of your life, now go out there and LIVE IT! Much Love and Luck to you on your path. If you feel like sharing your traveling stories with me (before, during, after or always), I’d be honoured.

Volunteer Latin America:

Great source to find small, cheap and free projects:


Work Exchange

Great blog to find all kinds of info about Work Exchange

Bonus tip!

There are organisations around that are not listed online and that doesn’t necessarily cost anything. The Caribbean Coast is unfortunately a poor area in Costa Rica and in need of loving souls helping out in smaller farms and what not. Go to Puerto Viejo (de Talamanca) and have a look around.


Pura Vida siempre!

Space of Love Yoga Festival Sweden

Paradise. Space of Love Yoga Festival Böda, Öland, Sweden 2014

There might not be words beautiful enough to depict the symphony of colours that danced and swirled between us as we created a bond that grew stronger and reached wider as the week unfolded itself in the Space of Love festival on Öland.

I have met soul mates and long lost friends. I have served the Fire and its guides during ancient ceremonies. I have danced barefoot in the soft grass and I have let the ocean stroke my naked body with her cold touch. I have felt the sand melt away between my fingers as time turns into non-existence and I have loved, laughed and cried. Endlessly. These moments are a constant waterfall of rainbows- we want it always. And I want You to be part of it too! So I let the pictures and poems speak to your heart and hope that next year, you will bathe with us in the waterfall of rainbows.

Thank you Nina and Boris for inviting us to your wedding- the most magical celebration of Love imaginable!

For the curious ones: I woke as the sun rose over the beach during Sadhana at 4am with my beautiful hermana Mina, warmed and opened my body with magical Sky and Sama Yoga. I flowed thru dance workshops, attended Celtic Sweat lodges, swam in the ocean, played in the sand and let music wash through me before closing my eyes in my pink raspberry tent at night..... 

A big thank you to all the amazing teachers, guides and organizers that held and hold this space; to the participants for without them and their open hearts there would be no festival; to the musicians that create the soundtracks of our hearts' movements; and thank you to my beloved heart-family Sofia, David, Ruben and Marcus for making me fall in love over and over again. I love you dearly.

Böda Sand, Space of Love festival Öland 2014

Tell us about your festival memories in the comments below!

Pura Vida Siempre

Yoga Teacher Training Costa Rica

Guanacaste province is located in the northwest of Costa Rica. This province is the warmest in the country and between November and April there is hardly any rain (dry season), resulting in dry forests and a desert like climate.

During one of these hot months is when I decided it was a good time to do a Yoga Teacher Training. It happened to be located just outside of Tamarindo, which is basically as far as you can go from Puerto Viejo (southeastern corner of the country). And it was indeed hot, even I used air-condition! And, occasionally, I really missed the green jungle and all its sounds, movements, rain and humidity. I was surprised, however, that the howler monkeys woke us up around 5 am still, and they were close! Strolling around the surrounding areas showed me the many mango trees and it started to make sense why heaps of monkey families were hanging around in the desert.

Sunset Playa Negra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

We started late in the mornings (6:45), when the sun was already up, making the sun heat the shala to a boiling temperature by the end of practice (9:30).  Everyday we also practiced teaching, had philosophy class, anatomy class and Yin Yoga. In total, we did more or less five to six hours of physical practice everyday. I truly enjoy that kind of intensity every now and again. The regularity takes my practice to new levels and the wisdom from the physical asanas (postures) grows deeper inside me. For anyone wanting to experience profound transformation, I recommend trying longer retreats (no matter what level you’re at on your path). And of course, I recommend joining me and Yoga By Magie for any workshops, classes and retreats :)

Reversed Prayer. Sunset Jaco Beach, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica

Every seventh day we had a day off. If you’re a yoga junkie, it’s hard not to do any practice at all, even though the body really needs some rest to process what it’s learning. I kept my morning meditations, in addition to going with some of the girls to Playa Negra to try Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga for the first time! We went to an empty beach where the ocean was quiet enough to not knock us of balance. Doing yoga outside can be challenging, but if you’re used to it and have a good drishti (focus) you will enjoy SUP yoga. My favorite part was lying in Savasana (on my back), hands touching the water, looking up to Father Sky and Grandmother Moon, noticing the shore with its trees in the distance while the sun was setting over the west coast of Costa Rica. Big hug to Naturalbeautyyoga who showed us this place!

I am grateful for having met such a beautiful group of strong, independent and open-minded women. Already a couple days in, I asked to experiment with them by guiding them through a drum meditation and ended up doing another one the week after. Thank you all for being so receptive and for everything you shared during these weeks!

Me and two of the girls drove down to Jaco for a couple of nights to get a different scenery and some beach. While they headed back home to Canada, I went visiting another yogini in San Jose and together we bussed down to Puerto Viejo to watch the craziness of the last Easter days. That is to say, I am now back in the buzzing jungle doing yoga, writing on the porch, doing sweat lodges and work at the wellness center.

Sabeena, Megan, Magie at Jaco Beach, Costa Rica

What did you do for Easter?


Pura Vida


Famous sunset Jaco Beach, Costa RIca. Foto: Magdalena Larsson

Famous sunset Jaco Beach, Costa RIca. Foto: Magdalena Larsson

Avslut och Avstamp

Tiden har en tendens att flyga förbi. I förrgår var det exakt fyra månader sedan jag och Ellen kom till Costa Rica. Landet tog emot oss med öppna armar och vi kastade oss in i äventyret.

I torsdags skrev vi de sista tentorna och med blandade känslor gick vi från skolan med A i alla klasser. Kvällen var märklig och ledsam. Den grupp som under fyra månader skrattat, roat, rest, pluggat och många gånger irriterat skulle splittras under natten. Månen hängde som en stor,tjock, gul och halväten pannkaka över oss där vi satt vid havet vid vår sista bonfire med Las Brisas-öl. Det var ledsamt.

De allra flesta åkte tillbaka till staterna, några kommer tillbaka efter jul och andra reste vidare. Men, vad händer nu? Vi är fortfarande förvirrade och kan kanske inte helt förstå att vi har lämnat Puntarenas, vår lägenhet och de söta amerikanerna för att ta oss mot Panama och möta upp Mariella.

De kommande veckorna kommer att vara hektiska. Ellen åker till Sverige den 20e december och jag vågar inte ens tänka på hur jag ska klara mig utan henne. Mariella och jag ska, trots julehetsen, försöka resa runt några veckor innan även hon lämnar för Svedala i mitten på januari.

Som de flesta säkert vet så består min sista termin av praktik och nu har allt blivit färdigställt att jag kommer tillbringa även kommande månader här i Costa Rica. Jag flyttar till den karibiska kusten i januari där jag ska starta upp ett kommunikationsprojekt för ett wellness företag. Det låter som en dröm och jag ser verkligen fram emot det. Detta innebär alltså att min hemresebiljett nu är ombokad till juni istället, så om inget annat händer kanske vi ses i Moder Svea till sommaren.

Skriv gärna en rad efter att ni skummat igenom bilder av terminen som gått.

Cydney, Magie, Ellen

You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.
-Jimi Hendrix

Volcano Arenal/hot springs tour

Tamarindo beach

Playa Conchal

Well, ya... seen that one a few times before..

Sunset in Tamarindo

 Americans playing incomprehensible games <3

Cydney & Magie practicing the snap

dots, beer and love <3

Pura Vida a todos