Fran djungel till oken
/Lago Titicaca
The tiniest plane I've ever seen. Needless to say, we didn't feel very good during that trip.
Capybaras living by the river.
Montito. Tiny moneky or simply Herr Nilsson
Looking for anacondas. Yeah, we found a skinny one. And a dead black mamba.
This little guy kept me company in the hamaca.
Caiman, sunbathing.
Swimming in the river. No caimans or alligators at the time, only pink river dolphins that wanted to bite our toes...
We also wanted to see if we could find any red and yellow eyes in the dark. Yes, heaps!
New Years Eve in Sucre with new friends at restaurant Amsterdam.
Sucre view point
Project: Help the working children of Sucre
The children's graveyard, where graves have been dug up to make room for new ones. The bodies? They are usually stolen to make experiments in the doctor's lab, or just thrown away.
Lovely crowd at La Dolce Vita. Asian food and good friends.
Nu ar tanken att vi ska dra oss soderut, mot saltoknen, men ar skeptisk till hur det kommer ga. Sakerheten i en jeep i fyra dagar i Bolivia? Skulle garna stanna langre har och volontara. De har simskola for barnen i Help the working children of Sucre som vi blev erbjudna att hjalpa till pa, men tiden...tiden....
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