Still the mind - a journey of nature’s wisdom (poetry)

Still the mind - a journey of nature’s wisdom (poetry)

“As I write this, I sit by the sacred fire on our land. The sky cleared up after a heavy rain, the breeze moves the ash trees and birds are slowly singing their post-rain songs. I am deeply grateful for this sacred space and for the fire that holds my meditation. It is time to burn and process. Integrate wisdoms. 

Some time ago, I did something I’ve said for years that I would never do. …”


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Hemma bra och hemma bäst

The following story is in Swedish. Coming stories will be in English or Swedish, hopefully with a summary in the other language. More on Costa Rica --->

Local artist Kristel :"I am happy to be who I am " 

Local artist Kristel :"I am happy to be who I am " 


I bambubuskaget framför mig har två stora träd knäckts på mitten och fallit över ett odlingsområde med örter. Tukanerna flyger högt men deras skrik hörs som vore de mitt i trädgården. En liten mörkblå kolibri tar en paus på en trädgren intill huset och på solstolen ligger husets vilda husdjur Bloom och tar igen sig efter dagens ödlejakt. Djungelns tystnad skapas av en kaskad av ljud; som om alla djur sjunger tillsammans med träden och omfamnar mig så att jag också hamnar i samma meditativa frekvens. 

"Jag tror många som hamnar här är lite rotlösa på något sätt", säger min man som täljer på en pinne. 

Att balansera två fysiska hemplatser är många gånger en krävande akt, även att jag gjort det större delen av mitt liv på olika vis. Ju längre man varit på ett ställe ju mer utmanande blir omställningen till det nya. Även när det nya är familjärt. 

Att komma till Sverige har alltid varit kulturellt utmanande för mig. Människor vill gärna hålla sig till sitt och sina och jag känner hur lätt det är att sluta hjärtat bland pengastress och kravillusioner. Jag sluter ögonen och önskar från djupet av min själ att jag kan bidra till ett mer öppenhjärtigt samhälle oavsett var jag är i världen. "Men varför bor alla så långt ifrån varandra", suckar jag högt. 

Det kommer jag nog aldrig vänja mig vid. 

Å andra sidan kommer jag nog aldrig riktigt vänja mig vid de stora ludna spindlar som med jämna mellanrum dyker upp bland kastrullerna. Idag var den ena grytan beslagtagen av en sex-benig kamrat. Fem cm i diameter. Fot till fot alltså. 

Men visst är här lätt att "fastna" och man finner ett eget sätt att bli vän med alla de varelser som delar djungeln som sitt hem. Skogen är inte bara meditativ men djupt jordande och jag tror det ligger något verkligt i det min man uttryckte. I puerto viejo samlas människor från jordens alla håll och när jag går genom den lilla byn träffar jag flera av mina goda vänner med bakgrund från Holland, USA, Italien, andra delar av landet eller här i Karibien. 

En gemytlig community har skapats i den lilla karibiska kustbyn baserat på mötet av alla dessa kulturer. Vi lever självklart inte i en utopi utan mörka baksidor men jag ser ett verkligt försök till förändring i Costa Ricas fattigaste del tack vare gemenskapen. 

Fladdermössen börjar cirkulera ovanför mitt huvud och Bloom lyfter uttråkat ena ögat för att sedan gäspa stort. Klockan börjar närma sig sex på kvällen och mörkret kryper närmare. På avstånd hörs grannen spela smörig latinamerikansk dansmusik på en orimligt hög volym. Syrsorna tar över tukanernas skri och jag går in i huset för att äta bönor och ris. 



Bloom chasing lizard

Journeying the Costa Rican Mountains

As I write this, I am watching the sun setting behind the mountains in the West. The nightly forest sounds are slowly increasing and the soft quiet rain surround us like a comfy greyish blanket where we sit on the deck. Mountains have always fascinated me and they carry strong medicine; the reminder of how small man is amongst other.

After months of ceremonies, studies and practice I am now spending a few days close to Mother Earth in the mountains south of San José. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities life brings me; studying shamanic traditions with teachers from all over the world; having brothers and sisters across the globe who invite me to their home.

Last weekend we were in the jungle mountains East of San José in Guapíles, to cut bamboo and join a traditional Mexica pipe ceremony. Sunday afternoon, we drove from there, around the mountains and the capital to get to these hills in the South where we are now.

My friend’s house is beautifully built in cedar, overlooking a mountain garden, the river and the hills. What a blessing to be journeying in this world!

Snake Medicine

As I was jumping between rocks, holes and mud pools with my bike this morning, on my way from Yoga, a beautiful long Green Vine Snake...

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Jungle Journeys and Yoga in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Have you noticed how vibrantly green everything gets after rain?

Weather in the Caribbean has been weird lately with days of endless pouring rain. After two days of waterfalls outside the window, Father Sun came back today. We greeted him down by the ocean; tide was high, the beach empty and the morning early. We sung to him as waves were rolling in. Suddenly, summer’s proper heat was back and the day is only getting hotter! We are spending the warmest hour of the day indoors, taking a siesta, while most tourists just woke up. Biking through town this morning showed us there is still, despite being Tuesday, a big group of backpackers and other tourists in town. They were all headed towards town and the beach as we were on our way back home...

Enjoy the pictures of Masai (dog), Medicinal Plant tour, bugs, the astonishing full moon and the waterfall Dos Vueltas.

We rent a small casita (house) in Cocles Beach, a few kilometers from town and about 200 meters to the ocean. Thanks to its concrete floor and shady location, we have a cool working space even during mid-day. And, yes, after a few weeks of ceremonies and studies I am now working again. That is to say, combining work with studies- as always the sweetest way of life! Tomorrow starts a Warrior Path’s yoga immersion at the Garden, guided by my magic friend Jerusha, which I’ll be attending. In addition, Wednesday and Saturday mornings I’ll be guiding a Bhakti Flow and a Morning Flow yoga class, and there will be TWO Yin and Drum workshops the coming weeks. Check out Calendar for info!

There you have it guys, a regular day in the Caribbean. Stay updated more frequently on Instagram: @foodbymagie where I share food experiences and new organic and local creations.

Please tell me what you like to read about!

What is shamanic journeying?

Stories from shamanic journeys?

More information about Puerto Viejo/nearby/Costa Rica?


Regular day-to-day life?


Post in the comments below, or contact me on social media!


Mucho amor, luz y paz


Highlights of 2014

2014 was not only the year of the Horse but also the year of Love and, WOW! How many great, magical and life altering moments and journeys I got to experience! Here is my attempt to summarise my travels within and without from 2014. Enjoy and please share your stories in the comments below! 

1.     Around Costa Rica and across Worlds

Starting the year off in one of my favourite countries, and one of the two I currently call “home”, by purging and cleansing and working in various traditional shamanic ceremonies such as the Temazcal (sweat lodge) and the meeting with Ayauaska. Many great journeys within oneself and between worlds are made in traditional ritual and ceremony, personally one of my favorite ways of traveling. I also got the chance to travel around Costa Rica together with my best friend and show him the magic of the country before heading on to the next adventure: Yoga Teacher Training in the desert! The adventures, travels and challenges were overlapping each other these first months of 2014! Thank you all – new and old- friends and family that helped make these voyages MAGICAL!  

2.     Space of Love

As I got back to Sweden in the start of summer, I was guided to visit a Yoga Festival on an island outside the east coast. Little did I know how those 2 weeks would continue the flow and journeys that started in Costa Rica and, at the same time be a trigger point for what would come next. It truly is a Space of, for and with Love. I met long lost friends and lovers- new to this lifetime, served the fire, encountered Grandfathers from the North and traditions completely new to me, and I experienced Love in ways I never knew of. Love, Connections and Journeys within and without with guidance from the medicines of song, dance, yoga, ceremony and human beings with big hearts. Thank You ALL! 

3.     Summer Love Tour

I continued the summer by touring Sweden together with my best friend. We had no plans as how to transport ourselves or where to end up on our way to the North and my family house. We packed yoga gear, food, a tent and all the necessities for camping- yes, we carried more than ever before on our backs! – and we hit the road. There is a special beauty and inspiration in traveling only by intuition and bare feet. We found ourselves creating connections on a yoga camp in the forest of Småland, catching up with old friends, and finding Light in the church. I taught yoga in the park and we got on buses and trains not knowing where to end up. We helped a shaman constructing a Shamanic Museum, danced with the drums and walked bare foot around Dalarna in pouring rain. We visited the native people of the North and learnt more about ancient wisdom; we camped with reindeers and created songs. And somewhere on the road we fell in love.  

4.     Skattungbyn

All the meetings and connections that were made during the sunny summer months led me further and towards new adventures. One of them being the Yoga Festival in Dalarna in October where I got to, once again, experience the magic of the deep forest and wild rivers, connect through love and rhythm, and share the wisdom of my drum and the ancient roots. Guiding a Yin and Drum class for about 50 people was incredible beyond words. I am so very grateful. Thank You Thank You.

5.     Liverpool & Wales

What seems to have started in July, with our Summer Love Tour, came to somewhat of a peak in early December. Me and my best friend went to visit the fairytales of northern Wales and my dancing soul sister Anahí. We watched a psychedelic Christmas parade, had a chat with the Hatter, followed the White Rabbit and we got engaged on the hills of the Welsh coast where the seals have their playground. Indeed, 2014 was a year filled with Love and magic, guided by the great Horse. Thank you all for participating in the ride! 

I ended my highlights of 2013 by saying: “My intentions for 2014 are to continue deeper into my spiritual journey, wherever in the world it may take me.” Summarizing 2014 showed me that I really did dive deeper into my spiritual journeys and practices and in ways and places I never could have imagine. I am grateful for everything I experienced through feelings, vision(s), hearing, touch, taste and smell. And I am grateful for being guided by the magic flow of life, always taking me to new challenges and journeys - within and without. I set my intentions for 2015 to be even more profound; deepening my spiritual practices and, thus, share the wisdoms with the world(s) even more! 

Make sure you follow the Travels of 2015 by subscribing below!