Visions for the new year: Energy Themes for the 2024 Moon
/Energy themes for the 2024 moon start at our turning of the sun, already in December 2023. This is when we go deep within to connect with the darkness and, thus, the feminine, or moon, aspect of ourselves.
In this article:
3 Energy Themes for the 2024 Moon Energy
4 suggested Rituals to support your 2024 Moon Year
1 personal Moon Story
Click to watch my video Shamanic Family Farm Life | Creating Finca OM: 2023 in pictures
Solstice Blessings and happy new solar year, my friend. What messages did you receive from your rituals?
However much I respect, enjoy, and appreciate the Sami shaman, today is a time in herstory where we all need to be our own “shaman”. As in, doing our own practice. Showing up for ourselves. And receiving our own personalized messages through that journey.
So the personal visions for the new year and energy themes for the 2024 moon must come from within you. How?
An easy way to receive messages (after you’ve cleared out the old year that is) is to use oracle cards of whatever form that speaks to you.
Wanna take it to the next level?
Try leading yourself through the Moon Journeys in my Moon Trainings. This is where you learn to increase your intuitive power, bring out your ancient wisdom and recode cell memory. Click here.
However, I’ll share with you some of my insights on a more general level for the energy themes for the 2024 moon. You can work with these your moon practice throughout the year too!
Get 3 Moon Insights, 2 Rituals, 1 Art every turn of the Moon. Subscribe for free here!
Energy Themes for the 2024 Moon
Power of the SOUL. We’re coming back to ourselves in a deeper way than ever before. Finding ourselves anew while entering a whole new relationship with ourselves. If you’re called to work as a spiritual leader in any shape or form, you’ve most likely already started to feel this energy strongly.
During 2024, our soul will be greatly empowered to be able to hold more and give more. When we do our practice and face the hidden opportunities coming our way that is.
Evolutionary Energy. We’re entering a whole new level of evolution where more true leaders step up to the plate and show themselves to the world.
Simultaneously more of us than ever before are needed to provide safe spaces and leading for those who are just in the beginning of their awakening journey. As we will continue to see a huge increase in newly awakened humans in all phases and areas of life. No need to push anyone, just trust the process and be sure you’re ready to hold the lantern of love for those who need it.
Your new structures will be supported. For quite a few years, we’ve been in a change of creative structural energy. Mainly reducing, breaking down, tearing apart and trying to reformatting. Up until now. If you’ve done your practice around this, chances are you’ll be greatly supported in your new ways of doing things. If you still have work to do, the moon energy will let you know!
When we tune in on these energy themes for the 2024 moon, we understand structures as a feminine form. The archetypal energy of Mother. Consider how a mother supports her children with food, bathing, money, caretaking, space holding, hugs and an ear to listen to all kinds of emotions. How is she holding it? How and what is her structure?
How you can work with the energy themes for the 2024 moon
do your reflection work each turn of the moon
use oracle cards of whatever form that speaks to you
journal to increase your ability to reflect and see your path more clearly
regularly do offering rituals to Mother Earth in order to release what no longer serves you
Get 3 Moon Insights, 2 Rituals, 1 Art every turn of the Moon. Subscribe for free here!
In my own practice and in my work with others, I see again and again how the practice of reflection work makes us all more efficient, more embodied and more aligned with our soul’s purpose.
Learning how to see within yourself in the way that reflective inquiries do for you, immediately increases your intuition and self-led leadership that makes you see the lessons ahead instead of being washed through them.
Let me tell you a true story
I’m a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Growing up with no tools or practices to understand or support my sensitive nature, I felt like everything happened to me. It didn’t take many years until I was falling into martyrdom and depression (we talk early teenage years!).
Now, thanks to my highly sensitive nervous system, I’ve also been highly intuitive and in deep contact with other realms. So since I was a child, I’ve heard the beating of the drum and the calling from the moon. As soon as I, as a young adult, found my moon tribe and started to live in tune with the moon, everything changed.
I followed the rhythms and structures from the moon cycle to lead my life. The first shamanic practice I embodied was that of reflection work.
I asked (and still do!) myself questions like: what is this situation telling me? Where am I going? What can I learn from this?
The result was immediate: my throat chakra cleared, martyrdom flew away to never return and I now know how to drag myself back up into the light if I ever happen to go too deep into destructive darkness.
With a lot of practice, living in tune with the moon led me to not only manage my emotions but to understand them, navigate change with balance, find joy in darkness and challenges, and master the creative process. Today, I also know how to embody my highly intuitive and sensitive powers to help myself and others do the same. That’s why I put together the Moon Trainings for you!
How the Moon Trainings will support your energy themes for the 2024 moon
In my Moon Trainings, I show you how to use the rhythm and guidance of the moon to embody the practice of spiritual reflective work; and how to increase your self-led leadership in every area of your life.
The most important thing to remember is that no one can do this work for you!
You have to be the one stepping up to the plate, doing your practice, asking yourself the uncomfortable questions and ultimately move into being your own shaman. The Moon Trainings will aid you in whatever area you’re currently processing and developing because it’s structured in a way that supports your own rhythm.
The Moon Journey is a channeled message delivered together with the shaman drum, to support you in connecting with your inner moon powers.
The Moon Lecture is an interactive journey, blending moon frequencies with ancient teachings and modern tasks for you to start leading yourself.
During your studies, you’re held with love, support and a lot of trust for you to explore the moon energies within yourself. See the full curriculum here.
What previous students of the Moon Trainings have said:
“Magie’s teachings come from and through her own being. She doesn’t do the work for her students but let them do their own work to grow!”
“Being in Magie´s circle training helped me stay with a continuous practice of the cyclical wisdoms. And this truly gives a strength like nothing else in this world! I learned that I don’t need to walk this path alone, the importance of grounding for my own wellbeing and energy levels, and how to faster connect to my own inner source of present awareness.”
“ I enjoy having the space and time to land in myself together with other women, and to have time during the circle to do reflection work- each of us in our own ways. The circle gave space and energy to collect what was and how I’ll continue on my path, with a sense of togetherness…”
If you too hear the calling of the moon, click to read about the New Moon Earth Goddess Training here and Full Moon Water Goddess Training here.
Wishing you a beautiful return of the Sun and a year of present awareness,
In Love,
Magic Magie
Ps. I’ll soon release some of the dates for my in-person events! Most of these gatherings will have prerequisites such as the Moon and Goddess Workshops.
You’re so ready for the transformation to happen. You’re practicing and practicing. But something’s missing, what is it? What will take you to the next level, to that place of balance, trust and ease?
I’m Magdalena and for a decade I’ve helped women like you start to live in tune with the moon. I say start because what follows is a way of deep personal inquiry where you practice becoming your own spiritual leader.
This page is where you book your first meeting with me.
To read more, go here.
Please check available time slots in Calendar before purchasing. Fill in your preferred date before checkout.
We meet 4 times during 3 months (a total of 5 hrs). The set-up is individually adapted. Includes: worksheets, individual and intuitively formed exercise and prompts, visionary roadmap + 4 online meetings with me.
Please contact me for a payment plan option!
Thank you <3