What is the Spiritual Energy from the Moon?
/The Moon’s Energy Spiritual Meaning is the Divine Feminine. Walking the Moon Path means we walk the path of the feminine, the feminine teachings from the ancient wisdoms held by the moon, mother earth and our essence as women. Yes, men can walk the moon path too, it has nothing to do with gender.
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When we lean into the moon's energy spiritual meaning, we connect with the cycles of the moon and how her energy varies throughout. The powerful teachings of the moon’s cycles and, hence, the moon path, shows us how to connect to our own energy of openness, healing, intuition, rebirthing, wisdom, and the creative process.
It’s inevitable that by connecting and attuning to the phases of the moon, we become aware of patterns, behaviors and rhythms in our own mind, body and soul. The Moon Path brings to light (consciousness) our own natural cycles and rhythms. When we learn how to harness this power and flow with it, we become very powerful spiritual beings walking the earth.
In other words, attuning to the cycles of the moon is the first step of the Moon Path. The second step is to become aware of the process of our cycles so that we not only accept, but learn how to, when and where changes occur. Working in harmony with our inner and outer changes, with conscious awareness, is what ultimately gives us Balance at all times; it’s what teaches us to navigate and master our body, health, mind(set), intuition and spiritual development.
At the end of the day, mastering the moon's energy spiritual meaning, results in self-mastership, and what I like to call Spiritual Leadership.
Learn more about the phases of the Moon in my Free Moon Training:
How do You Connect to Moon Energy?
Connecting to the moon’s energy and the moon’s energy spiritual meaning is an ongoing practice. Start by bringing in this energy frequently into your life. Our two big moon shifts occur at new and full moon. Make this time a time when you pause, meditate and reflect on your feelings.
A good place to start, and to continue developing this practice, is to join our free moon circle that happens via the Moon Letters every turn of the moon. Click here to join!
The most profound way to connect to the moon's energy is through rest.
Therefore, I suggest you plan your resting time well and frequently. In stillness, we hear ourselves and our inner voice. In stillness, we can start leaning into our feelings, and are forced to meet them. Meeting with our feelings is essential to walk the Moon Path and connect to the moon’s energy spiritual meaning.
Learn how to best plan your rest - activity balance according to your unique life schedule: download my Free Experimental Shamanic Journey The 4 phases of the Moon.
The teachings in this free moon training will instantly take you to the answer within YOU on how to connect to the moon energy.
Does the Moon Represent Feminine Energy?
Yes. In many ancient cultures, including mine the Mexica (Azteca) Moon Dance Tradition, the moon is revered as the feminine energy with her cool light during full moon; darkness during new moon and presence during night time.
What energy does the moon give off spiritually?
The Moon energy gives off the spiritual meaning of the divine feminine. The moon's energy reflects our inner and outer divine feminine, and shows us areas we can evolve, work with and explore related to the feminine.
What does the Moon Symbolize Spiritually?
The moon symbolizes our darkness, our feminine, our emotions and feelings. She symbolizes wisdom, intuition, trust, surrender, and deep truth. The moon symbolizes a mirror that looks back to us, showing us what’s underneath, that which we cannot see with our bare eyes. She brings the symbols of the magic, the mystic woman, crone, witch and mother into our life, wherever it’s needed.
What is Moon Energy in a Person?
If we take an astrological view on this question, we see that the moon energy in a person is ruled by the sign where the moon stood during birth. This, in turn, can be a useful source in knowing your own feminine.
The moon energy in a person, thus, is the energy representing our feminine side. Our divine feminine and the overall feminine energy in our bodies. Regardless of gender, we all have feminine and masculine within us, as everything on this planet is made up of two; the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine. And these two, is what create Oneness. We cannot reach oneness without one or the other. Meaning, if you don’t honor, work with, embrace and accept your divine feminine, you can never reach oneness.
The Moon’s Energy Spiritual Meaning
In conclusion, the moon’s energy spiritual meaning is the divine feminine. We are all made of divine masculine and divine feminine, as this is what creates the whole: oneness, or in another word, love.
The feminine is our wisdom, intuition, deepest truth, darkness, emotions and feelings. Working with the moon’s energy means we attune to these qualities of ourselves. Connecting to the moon’s energy is firstly done by honoring her existence within and without, and from a place of rest and stillness we can dive deeper into her teachings.
The ancient moon mysteries teach us a path of balance through change. We learn to master our own bodies, lead from our intuition and trust our inner wisdom when we fully live in tune with the moon.
Connect with me in the Moon Circle, by joining my Free Moon Letters here!
In Love,
Magic Magie
You’re so ready for the transformation to happen. You’re practicing and practicing. But something’s missing, what is it? What will take you to the next level, to that place of balance, trust and ease?
I’m Magdalena and for a decade I’ve helped women like you start to live in tune with the moon. I say start because what follows is a way of deep personal inquiry where you practice becoming your own spiritual leader.
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