Full Moon Energy Forecast Libra, April 6 2023
/Channeled message for the Full Moon in Libra April 6, 2023
There’s no other way than to continue on this path we’ve started. Love is in the air so reach out beyond the horizon, to gather support and to find your future mating partners.
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The themes for this Full Moon in libra, and for us to work with during the rest of this lunar cycle are:
Love is in the air
Balance is everywhere
There’s no turning back
Love is in the air
Love is in the air so catch it and breathe it into your lungs! Breathe love out through your words.
We’re moving closer to mating time and so we look around us for more Love. Where can we create, give and seed more love and with whom?
The energy and frequency of love is very close to us now. Ask your own heart to choose love in any direction, to be able to act from love in any situation and conversation. If you feel ready, start sending out your offerings to people who might be ready too, to create more love together.
Find easy ways to (re)connect. Keep things simple to feel out what you want more of and how to proceed.
Observe nature; in the southern hemisphere, how’s love embracing everything that falls with the autumn leaves? For us in the northern hemisphere, we see birds everywhere looking for nests and partners, playing and getting ready to go deeper. We too hold that joyful spring in our steps and for this full moon in Libra, we’re more supported than ever to act out of love and to invite more love in.
Free Moon Circle 27/4
One step at the time, one breath at the time.
This is how you do it 👉🏽
Join the Free Moon Circle Register here.
Balance can be found everywhere
Remember to not overdo things. Don’t ask for more than you can handle. (Ask yourself what you can handle). There is a unique balance point to everything. How many, how much, how little or at all? Libra full moon asks us to measure carefully. But keep love in mind, maybe you can give a little more? Now the cup of love is plentiful and you have grown. There’s more to give, just check in with yourself first to be able to handle it well for everyone involved.
This theme also relates back to what we saw at the new moon; birthing the new. Welcoming new requires both balance and love. We don’t let a newborn be alone, we tender and care for it! Keep that in mind as you invite more, as you ask for more, as you balance and measure out what you can handle; your love is the support that’s needed for anything to grow.
Yes, anything. What do you wish to grow ? Remember this as you try to manifest: see video.
Add little at a time, take one step at a time and keep checking in with balance. There’s no wrong in taking a step back and pausing, but by being present at every step we’re not forcing or pushing ourselves and the pause simply won’t be needed.
There’s no turning back
We’re already moving. The change is already happening. We’re already there, we’re here IN IT. We’re doing it!
For the coming weeks, keep doing it. Keep working for that change you wish to happen because there’s no turning back. Sprouts are coming more and more everywhere. Trust the process and let go of the battle.
Is there a battle with yourself? With others or with something that you can’t see or touch on? What is it, holding you back?
Do my free reflection meditation of what’s holding you back on your spiritual journey: click here.
It’s time to let it go and instead lean into love. Gather what you need and get support. 2023 is a year of great shifts and we need to learn how to deal with them. Especially since they are shifts we’ve asked for! Gather in circles, surround yourself with laughter and like minded souls. And ask for support. We all need support but there’s a difference in asking (or expecting) someone to do your tasks for you, and in asking for loving arms to hold you when you feel afraid.
NOW is your time, my sweet sweet friend: I’d like to invite you to my circle. This is where we hold ourselves and each other.
Free Moon Circle, April 27th at 4pm CET. Sign up here.
I so much look forward to seeing you there! Hit reply if you have any questions or let me know that you’re coming.
Full Moon Ritual
If you’ve had a lot of sun lately, choose a dark room for your full moon ritual. Conversely, if you’ve had a lot of gray and dark around you the past few days- choose a room with light (if you don’t have sunlight, light candles and lanterns).
Tadasana Sway:
Be barefoot and take a firm stand, hip width apart with your feet.
Root your heels into the earth. Continue to root the outside of the feet and all ten toes deep into the earth.
Keep your eyes open, gaze forward, while you (imagine if you’re indoors) feel the earth under your feet.
Inhale and lengthen the spine, open the chest and draw the navel in.
Exhale, press your heels, toes and outside of feet deeper into the ground. Don’t bend your knees. Let the pelvis tilt naturally.
Repeat for at least five rounds.
Thereafter, add arms: bring your arms up over head on the inhalation.
Interlace your fingers and press the inside of the hand up towards the sky as you exhale. Use the next rounds of in- and out breaths to gently lean to either side. Use the exhale as you lean.
Come to center when you feel ready and sit down to continue with the moon reflections below.
In the video, we do a meditation together and I mention things I don’t write here. Be sure to check it out too! Thanks for reading and sharing. Let me know in the comments how the moon's energy affects you right now!
Moon Reflections
Write down these questions and let the pen give you the answers to one at a time:
What do I need to establish balance?
What kind of support do I need right now, and where can I find it?
Sit with your moon reflections for as long as you need. Write down what more comes up. Let us know in the comments how this practice worked for you!
Like the moon energy forecasts? Let’s get together and work with Luna’s wisdom on a more personal level! You’ll immediately gain deeper understanding and awareness of: how the current lunar themes show up for you + how to use them to improve your spiritual awareness and earthly presence for more peace, joy and balance. Grab your free spot right now by signing up here!
Ometeotl, In Love,
Thanks for reading and sharing.