New Moon Energy Forecast Aries, April 20, 2023
/Channeled message for the New Moon in Aries, April 20, 2023
We have an intense lunar cycle ahead as we’re now in eclipse season and start this lunar cycle with a solar eclipse. Soon after the new moon, mercury goes retrograde in Taurus making the following cycles a perfect time for all work related to evaluation and reflection.
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The themes for this New Moon in Aries, and for us to work with during the coming Lunar cycle are:
Speed is increasing, be brave, be bold and stay in your heart
Mind your head and Mercury retrograde
Invite flowers and Venusian strength
Speed is increasing, be brave, be bold and stay in your heart
We have a chance now to correct and to re-direct. Similar energies that we experienced during the spring equinox and last Aries new moon are present also now. Meaning that we’re moving ahead with what was born some weeks ago, but in a new way. A way of more maturity and understanding.
During the last moon cycle, we practiced a lot. We investigated what works and what doesn’t, and what it is we’re really planning for our future. Even though there’s an intensity around the solar eclipse, the new moon holds a relief in her womb. We’re resting during her transit, knowing that maturity is settling. We embody what we must know to carry on. And we do so with greater awareness and empathy than before.
Remember to stay in your heart and to be brave. New roads can be scary. But you’ve planned for this, you want this change to happen. The new moon in Aries on April 20, allows space for us to move with more balance, knowing when to push, when to pull and when to hold still. Remember to breathe to stay focused. When you stay in your heart, you will not only know what to do but remove fear from your path.
The solar eclipse ushers forward the new waves, transformations and changes you’ve planned for. However it might be in a faster way than you would have imagined. Eclipses always bring big changes, collectively as well as individually. To stay balanced, lean into the divine feminine essence of the lunar energies and trust that you know when to rest and when to move.
Mind your head and Mercury retrograde
Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus, April 21, the day after the new moon, and stays retrograde until May 15, 2023.
As usual with Mercury retrograde, it’s wise to be patient with transports and travels. But also taking this time to take care of digital communications, like back-ups and updates. Mercury’s journey backwards in Taurus during this moon cycle, could also aid us in being more present and mindful of not spinning off in our heads.
Use this time wisely and do your practices of reflection and evaluation.
Go here to get your free meditation practice on this topic.
Especially beneficial is to evaluate your creative journey and your relationships with materials. For instance, now is a good time to cleanse the wardrobe, as well as your body and your creative space to gain new perspectives and create more air as you move forward.
And we do want air in our steps! So ask yourself, where can you be lighter? Mercury retrograde will show us how to simplify things, processes as well as living conditions. Use this time well and you’ll gain a huge expansion in awareness and wisdom.
Money could also be a topic for this retrograde in Taurus, especially if money has been a topic for you for the last year.. The world needs new perspectives, structures, ideas and ways of living. Good things and new forms can be born from groups coming together and reflect upon living arrangements and currency structures from a heart based place. Individually too, shifts can occur rapidly in regards to money situations.
So, stay out of your head by doing consistent reflection work and evaluations. On that note, towards the end of Mercury’s retrograde journey, I offer a weeklong Moon Circle Workshop. This Moon training is designed to integrate easy-to-use moon practices in your everyday life to gain more energy, clarity and flow. Cart opens on April 27. Sign up here if you’re interested in more info + get dibs when I open the cart. Click here to sign up.
Invite flowers and Venusian strength
This is a fiery moon cycle and so Luna asks us to bring in more of the divine feminine in our lives with the help of flowers, arts, dressing up and all that which bring beauty to our surroundings.
Now is also a good time to call in the energies of our goddess Venus to bring in more beauty, love, prosperity, and fertility as we journey with speed and a lot of doing. What you birth and create now shall amplify as the wheel of seasons turn and we again find ourselves eclipsed.
The Venusian strength is love. In fact, Venus (or Aphrodite) is nothing but pure Love. So, really what we’re doing when we call in beauty within and around us, is that we call in more love. We can also send love out this way, of course. As well as being generous in our offerings, deeds and words towards ourselves and others. We started practicing this already last new moon and the spring equinox, so dress up in maturity and wisdom as you continue your dance.
On a personal note: my baby Love Dahlian was born under the energies of Venus. Read his birth story here.
Moon Circle Workshop coming soon.
*how to use the lunar energies in your everyday life for more energy and to get more time for everything that you want to do.
*what to do during the 3rd quarter moon to optimize your time and overall flow in life.
The transformative energies from the eclipse season and Mercury retrograde support your action steps towards living the life you dream of. Our Moon Circle Workshop gives you the roadmap to those steps. So be ready for fast change!
Sign up to get more info about the Moon Circle Workshop!
New Moon Ritual
Create your sacred space: it’s time to spring clean your altar (or create one if you haven’t already). Light sage and sing as you clean off any dust and re-organize.
Try finding a new order among your sacred objects. Maybe the images of goddess Lakshmi could go in the West instead of the South, if you feel comfortable with that.
When your altar is ready, sit and observe its beauty while you breathe deeply. Become aware of your inhalations and exhalations. Open up to receive any messages from your altar and sacred objects.
Get ready with pen and paper to continue with the moon reflections below. In the video, we do a meditation together and I mention things I don’t write here. Be sure to check it out too!
Moon Reflections
Write down how you feel about the new moon ritual you just did. Follow up with these questions:
What can I let go of to feel lighter?
What do I need to be able to hold presence awareness for longer moments in my life?
Feel free to share with our community about your insights. In the comments to this post, or email me directly. I answer every email I get!
Experience the community of the circle: Moon Circle Workshop coming soon. Sign up here to get on the insider list!
Ometeotl, In Love,
Thanks for reading and sharing.