Full Moon Energy Forecast Pisces, August 31st 2023
/Channeled message for the Super Full Moon in Pisces, August 31, 2023
Embodying the mystic lets us bring the ancient, forgotten and hidden gifts of magic to earth, and our daily lives. Consider all life to be sacred. Consider all days a ceremony. Consider all words a prayer. How would that feel? Would you love your life more?
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The themes for this Super Full Moon in Pisces and for us to work with during the rest of the lunar cycle are:
Embody the Mystic
Bring Air to the altar
Mercury retrograde in Virgo
The full moon is the midpoint in the moon cycle. This is when we get new light and bring to consciousness that which has been hidden, and what’s been going on emotionally and energetically for us for the past two weeks (and for sure, longer cycles too). Now is a time when we can see and understand more clearly our own journey, emotions, changes and higher self.
Want to learn more? My free workshop 4 phases of the moon offers a deeper journey into understanding, and applying, all aspects of the moon into your daily life. Click here to find out more.
Embody the Mystic
The Pisces full moon occurring on August 31st, 2023 is a super moon. The obvious and very strong gift of this full moon in Pisces is the tripled effect of bringing to consciousness that which has been hidden to us!
Pisces is the sign of the mystic and there’s a lot of magic energy surrounding this full moon. Our deep, dark, witchy feminine is present and wants to come out and play.
Several goddess archetypes are calling us right now; Virgo, Venus and Hekate to mention a few. Bring your magic from the underworld, your hidden gifts and tools and practices, into consciousness and start grounding them in your daily life! Is the message they have for us. Embodying our spirituality is the great theme of this decade, but we have moments in time where we can use the energetics to go deeper, heal faster and embody in whole new ways. The time around this full moon in Pisces, and for the coming weeks, is one of those portals. Listen to the Earth Goddess calling you, and bring your inner Mystic to the play.
If you look for tools and practices to embody your spirituality, your sacred witch and inner mystic, consider joining the Earth Goddess Workshop. Start journeying with the Earth Goddess and continue over the coming new moon with the supportive practices in the workshop to truly anchor your inner witch to your life’s path. Learn more here.
This theme of embodying our mystic is the strongest message for our super full moon in Pisces. Since the mystic lets us see through the veils, worlds, and realms, this is a potent full moon where we can fetch many gifts. However, the grounding and body presence is crucial not only to get the most out of the wisdom brought to us, but to stay healthy and continue on an embodied path. Ground, ground, ground and honor your need for rest during this week. Especially the days leading up to the full moon might feel more slow, heavy and exhausting than usual.
Bring Air to the altar
At the new moon in Leo, we talked about remembering the breath. You might have experienced a need for more or new movement in your routines, a sense of going deeper in certain areas of your spiritual practice, or in other ways create a more light and breathable atmosphere around you.
While we’re being held by earthy energies, helping us to ground and embody our spirituality, conscious action towards change and movement is required.
This is where we can make use of the element of air. How can you honor the air element in your practice, rituals and routines? Maybe trying new movements for the upper body will create more space for you right now.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
So, let’s mention this since it surely has an effect on our full moon in Pisces. Mercury on a surface level, most of us know; travel and communications issues and delays. But there’s so much more to it when a planet goes retrograde. (We currently also have Venus retrograde and Uranus and a couple others are following. However, this is not an astrology report, so I won’t dwell in that conversation. If you’re curious, I suggest checking out Bracha Goldsmith on youtube, she’s an adorable astrologer!)
The deeper level of Mercury retrograde takes us into reflection mode.
It’s when we have the courage to revise, revisit, review and ask ourselves the uncomfortable questions that’ll take us to personal growth. As such, it’s a beautiful time for healing and clearing karmic patterns, the mind’s unnecessary clutter, and any distractions that hold us back from serving our soul’s highest purpose.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo during our full moon in Pisces then, asks us to let go of mind’s control, to trust the higher path and to bring even more awareness to our subconscious mind so that, ultimately, we expand the conscious mind. Working with words is also a healing and powerful tool at this time. Consider adding more mantras, affirmations and prayers to your conscious practice. And to embody your spirituality; how can you extend those loving high vibration words into your everyday speech?
My personal update
If you follow me on social media, you might’ve seen me being busy with the harvest season. I try sharing little glimpses from the farm, and how we embody spirituality through living and praying with mother earth, every now and again. Let me know if this is interesting to you, and if you’d like more?
Needless to say, this is a fairly busy time with many changes in routines, harvest to take care of and a practice to dive deeper into. As such, I haven’t posted a video for this moon cycle. Do you miss the video updates? Let me know in the comments! If so, I suggest you hop over to our telegram group to get more intimate updates from me.
On another note, I want to share with you that all my Swedish yoga workshops are now available on this platform! (And, I’ve reduced the price as I want to make this super super accessible to any woman who might feel a curiosity, or call, or hinge or something, to connect deeper with her mother body. Read more about Gravidyoga Workshop: yoga inför förlossning and Mammayoga Workshop: yoga efter förlossning and Swadhyaya Yoga Workshop here).
The water element is still very present in my journey, prayers and rituals and for the past weeks, the air element too. Right now, I’m called to turn my old routines upside down to revise and reflect on how to go deeper in my own embodiment of the Earth Goddess. It’s always shown in the structure of these moon forecasts, how we sometimes need a new form or an occasional change. Maybe to wake up a little more? Maybe to say to the mind: hey, something’s different, pay attention! I hope that me changing the formats randomly and occasionally, serves you well on your path ;)
Full Moon Ritual
Remember to:
Make a conscious change to your spiritual practice or routines (what is it that’s been trying to get your attention?)
Move with the breath. See example here.
Rest whenever you feel the need. Close off and check out for a few days if that makes you feel more aligned again!
Suggested Practices for the Full Moon in Pisces:
Try this affirmation (or any other that resonates with you at this time):
I am my soul’s light. I am beautiful and I walk the light of earth.
Work with divine feminine archetypes in your prayers.
Embody your divine feminine wisdom with the support of ancient tools and modern techniques in the Earth Goddess Workshop, read more here.
Moon Reflections
Bring in these reflective questions to your moon meditation:
How can I extend the loving high vibration words into my daily speech?
How can I honor the element of air in my rituals and routines?
What’s been coming to my attention for the past two weeks, that my subconscious wants me to be aware of and, maybe, change?
Feel free to share with our community about your insights. Join our free telegram group, where we share, support and deepen our practices and journeys into any of the moon training, arts, conversations and forecasts I offer. Click here to join
In Love,
Magic Magie
ps. Did you know that I grow, harvest and create Magick Herbs for rituals? Whenever I have an excess, I put them in the shop. Read more here and reach out if you have any questions, want to place and order or look for something in particular!