New Moon Energy Forecast Virgo, September 15th, 2023
/Channeled message for the New Moon in Virgo, 15 of September, 2023
When finishing what we’ve started, we can harvest some really juicy fruits. Being picky in your choices at this time truly means practicing discernment at a more conscious level of awareness. In turn, choosing wisely brings more clarity and a grand opening for embodying our life’s calling.
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The themes for this New Moon in Virgo and for us to work with during the rest of the lunar cycle are:
Necessary discernment to increase consciousness and get practical about your life’s calling
Take care of your sacred spaces
Finish off what you’ve started!
Necessary discernment to increase consciousness and get practical about your life’s calling
It’s time to get practical with your life’s mission and soul’s calling in this world. We can only be the change when we take hands-on, practical, action. In turn, this requires a certain level of awareness; awareness of the change you wish to make, and awareness of the fact that practical movement is necessary. Having said that, the how mustn't be clear. In fact, the how is rarely in place. This is when we have to trust deeply. And then trust some more.
Leaning our whole bodies into that deep trust of calling; of a change that needs to be made, of the guidance from our divine mother. Yes, indeed, the divine feminine and mother earth and her earth goddesses are in the lead for this moon cycle, and many more ahead.
Virgo wants a nice order, clear schedules and healthy routines and boundaries. Using the powers of this Earth Goddess, we can create a rhythm that is more than just healthy; a rhythm that serves us in getting practical when moving into our life’s calling.
Contrary, Virgo will have us see where we lack boundaries, where we need a firmer rhythm and where we need to recreate our schedule. Sure, for many of us, fall has started and we think we’re on a nice flow of routines, HA! think again, Virgo says. Mercury, ruler of Virgo, is still retrograde and the energies during this new moon cycle in Virgo will have us question, review and revise one more round.
There’s always a better way to do it.
Don’t get stuck in old comfortable ways, but get that to-do list out!
Simultaneously, we need to be painfully honest with ourselves and start discerning. True discernment is one of the pillars that hold love consciousness. It’s also one of the most challenging paths for many of us. So don’t be too hard on yourself! Just do your practice. Practice removing things that take up too much space in your life, or find ways to simplify.
Removing that which is outgrown, or energy draining, or simply won’t fit in our new rhythm, is like removing a pair of sunglasses when it’s dark out. Suddenly, we can see our path and new rhythms more clearly. From this space we can also find our how.
Consider taking a journey with the Earth Goddess and New Moon to invoke the archetypal earth goddess within you, and start embodying her essence in your daily life. If she calls you, click here to get to know her more.
Take care of your sacred spaces
Virgo season is health season and the Virgo New Moon on September 15th, 2023, will have us take a look at our surroundings.
Is there a way to get more organized in your home environment? What about your working space, are you treating it as your sacred space? The Earth Priestess Virgo asks us to see all space as sacred and treat them as such. Use this time to improve the physical environment around you, be it your home, office, altar, ceremonial room, work-out room, kitchen, garden or whatever is calling you. Maybe Mother Earth herself is calling you to go out in the woods and clear some space? or join us in ancient ritual and ceremony where we get practical in creating healthy and beautiful boundaries: traditional fencing course coming up on September 20th. More info in Swedish here.
This entire moon cycle in Virgo offers a beautiful window to caretake your sacred spaces to be able to give yourself more nourishment and health. Having beauty around us relaxes the mind, body and soul, likewise having a nice order of things. You will notice how energy starts moving more freely when you organize whatever it is that has been calling your attention for improvement lately. Would love to hear in the comments how this shows up for you!
Finish off what you’ve started!
This theme weaves in all the other themes. Surely, you’ve started something that needs more organizing? Maybe redoing the wardrobe? Maybe taken on new things, without first having had a look at what you can or need to remove? The practice of discernment aids us in finishing off what we’ve started during this month, and for the rest of 2023.
The energy to finish what we’ve started has been strong since we entered the last part of this yearly cycle. Personally, I’ve revisited my Moon Messages Workbook for 2023 to go through some of the inquiries again, as well as meditating with the last part of the book: “Time to be the Wisdom Walker”. If that calls to you too, you find the free workbook here.
Continue forward by closing off chapter after chapter. This new moon in Virgo on September 15th, 2023, will make sure we act on this by providing the necessary time and space needed to do so, unless you take conscious and bold action yourself. Either is perfect.
more at my ig here
My personal new moon update
At the Pisces full moon, I shared with you how the format of these Moon Forecasts and our sacred space keeps shifting and changing.
Really, I see these channeled messages from the divine feminine as an entity of her own. and I'm just following along in the way she wants to be expressed. Nevertheless, I’m the one holding the boundaries of this sacred container and I want to offer you and all of us a beautiful and heart-felt experience.
And sometimes, things just need to be let go entirely.
To serve us all, to serve the higher calling. Sometimes what we need is to let go to be able to expand.
I don’t know what the next step of my and our journey will hold. I’ve been sharing these moon forecasts for a decade now, but lately something’s been different…. I choose to lean into and surrender to the unknown, the great goddess and her mysteries and just let it all go.
I let go with beauty.
I hope this message has served you well. The only thing I’m sure of, is that I’ll show up again in your inbox by the time of the full moon. Look forward to reconnecting in a light of more clarity!
So much love. Enjoy your suggested rituals and practices below.
New Moon Ritual
Remember to:
Rest during the new moon transit
Let go before you set your intentions
Wash your crystals with sacred water
Suggested Practices for the New Moon in Virgo:
Try this affirmation (or any other that resonates with you at this time):
I let go with beauty.
Work with herbs in your prayers.
Do mind-relaxing practices such as singing or a drum journey.
Write a to-do list of things you have neglected
Write a to-do list of things that take up too much space in your life.
Embody your divine feminine wisdom with the support of ancient tools and modern techniques in the Earth Goddess Workshop, read more here.
Moon Reflections
Bring in these reflective questions to your moon meditation:
Is there a way to get more organized in my home environment?
What is my amulett that reminds me to keep walking my path?
What is it, really, that I wish to let go off right now (what is taking up too much space)?
Feel free to share with our community about your insights. Join our free telegram group, where we share, support and deepen our practices and journeys into any of the moon training, arts, conversations and forecasts I offer. Click here to join
In Love,
Magic Magie
ps. Örter för Magi och Ritualer finns nu på webbshoppen!