What is the Spiritual Energy from the Moon?

What is the Spiritual Energy from the Moon?

When we lean into the moon's energy spiritual meaning, we connect with the cycles of the moon and how her energy varies throughout. The powerful teachings of the moon’s cycles and, hence, the moon path, shows us how to connect to our own energy of openness, healing, intuition, rebirthing, wisdom, and the creative process. 

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Örter för Magi och Ritualer: Rosor

Örter för Magi och Ritualer: Rosor

Rosen är symbolen för Maria Magdalena och gudinnans väg. Både den vita, rosa och den röda rosen är starka symboler sammankopplade med Maria Magdalenas lära av villkorslös kärlek. Även gudinnorna Isis, Afrodite och Venus ses tillsammans med symbolen av en ros. Hon är en kraftfull andlig medicin och en traditionell kvinno-ört världen över. 

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The Dark Goddess

The Dark Goddess

We have darkness and lightness. We are in constant movement. We change and we have eruptions. 

We also have anger outbursts, both from how our Great Mother is being treated since it’s in our DNA, core and blood. But also from how we as women (and mothers) are being treated, and have been for centuries. The suppression is suffocating.  

Does that mean it’s OK to 


throw plates

turn into the grinch


cast angry spells and

call people bad names ? 

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St John's Wort (Johannesört)

St John's Wort (Johannesört)

St John's Wort is a symbol of Light, gold, lion and the goddess Sekhmet. In Sweden, she always appears after the mid summer peak, reminding us that our blood is red. 

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The perfect gift: what I really want for my birthday

The perfect gift: what I really want for my birthday

The perfect gift is something that makes me feel. 

Since my early teens, I’ve wished for an experience for my birthday. Give me something that makes me laugh, enjoy, feel and create memories for life! give me something that makes me grow, and us too. Give me an experience. 

Nowadays, when we getting closer to June 4th, the routine is the same: 

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Birth Story Love Dalian Chandrakaí 25.04.2021

Birth Story Love Dalian Chandrakaí 25.04.2021

The birth of Love Dalian was a very different experience. Our planned assisted home water birth took a surprising turn.

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