Visit Småland och The lands of Legends/Sagobygden

Visit Småland och The lands of Legends/Sagobygden

"Jag har varit i många länder och sett många fantastiska ställen över hela världen. Småland är ett av dessa ställen. Jag slutar aldrig förundras av dess skönhet och många..."

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Planera din YOGA sommar

Planera din YOGA sommar

Vad är grejen med yoga-festival?

En festival håller vanligen igång under flera dagar (ibland veckor) och man väljer själv hur länge och mycket man vill medverka. Lärare och guider från hela landet och världen samlas för att dela med sig från sitt hjärtas practice. Därmed finns det möjlighet att prova både sådant man känner igen och helt nya arenor. Många gånger hamnar man på en festival just av anledningen ens yogalärare är en av medskaparna och därifrån hittar man sedan ett helt hav av underbara människor och aktiviteter.

Vi yogisar tycker helt enkelt om att vara tillsammans och dela! För ju fler man är- desto roligare blir det ju! Ju fler man är som...

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Time for a new era

Time for a new era

The only true way is to write from the heart. Speak always from your heart and people will listen.

I am so much more than these travel stories and journeys you’ve been able to find here on this blog. I love a lot of things- I don’t fit in to ONE niche. 

I refuse to be caged, limited or change my heart to fit into your boxes of definitions.

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Colorful San José

I will never stop showing you the colors of a place.

I will always ask you to stop and smell the flowers.



Some journeys are long, hot, dusty and tiring. But if you lift your eyes, maybe you'll find a plant nursery next to the dirty high way; a place filled with orchids and whispers of life. And maybe that will make you smile again. 

San Jose  

San Jose  

As I've mentioned before, Few travelers enjoy big cities (unless that's their aim of the trip) and even fewer like the necessary visit(s) to Costa Rica's capital San Jose. Next time you come, why not stay in the old historic neighborhood Barrio Amón or Aranjuez. And when you're there, why not stroll around the old buildings, enjoying the architecture and the art covering the walls of this area. And maybe you'll find a secret world hidden within green walls and trees and maybe you find a new favorite cafe in the corner of a street you haven't been on before. And maybe you also find the way to mama earth's delicious gifts at Fería Verde.


And if you still haven't seen the arts, colors and flowers of San Jose, this oasis is the place to soak it all in. It is here where I ask you to stop and smell the flowers. And while you sip your Costa Rican coffee with cashew milk, enjoy the colorful smiles around you.


where do you find flowers in your city?  

Feria Verde

Feria Verde


Festival summer: creating Peace in Borlänge

The adventures of the Swedish summer continue North. As you might understand by now, there is a special glow to be found in northern Sweden. Dalarna is situated just above the middle of the country and I interpret the area to be the heart chakra of Sweden. All around the villages and towns ancient myths, stories, fairies, creatures and ceremonies still live. The deep lush forests whisper of stories yet to be told and journeys yet to unfold. The deeper you walk into the soft moss and green surroundings you’ll see Mother Earth open her heart for you, show you her vulnerable inside. And you can’t but listen. Listen to the waterfalls, the birds in the tall pine trees and to the fairies playing in the moss.



Many gatherings, ceremonial work and festivals take place around the area and for July 3 and 4 I am invited to share some sweet Bhakti Flow and healing Yin and Drum sessions at the Peace and Love Heartflow Yoga festival. The festival is put together by my strong and magical soul sister Emelie Steen. Her heart is wild and pure and she is a true inspiration for the world. I am truly grateful that we are connected and to be part of this creation of Peace and Love in Borlänge. The schedule is full of various yoga styles such as Ashtanga and Virya; inspirational lectures about the knowledge of life Ayurveda; and music workshop such as transformational Gong sessions.

Come and join us as we, once more gather the tribe to connect our hearts to ourselves and to one and other.


Nomadic Yogi: Ant Medicine

This video was shot at the beach the other day, where I was captivated by the hard work and....

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