move within the dizziness that is you: never stop dancing.

move within the dizziness that is you: never stop dancing.

On the first evening, I softly welcomed the music into my body by absorbing the comforting concerts through every cell. Eyes closed, I let the vibrations work their magic. The following morning offered an inspiring challenge: how to look (as in dive) into the eyes of a stranger. Remembering that maybe you do not even look the people closest to you in the eyes, even if you meet them everyday. In the eyes you truly see the soul: a reflection of yourself and the world. READ ON

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Yoga för eller mot bröstcancer?

 Ibland tycker jag att vi är lite väl fega som gömmer oss bakom något typ av yogiskt motto att ”jag yogar så ser alla hur bra jag mår av det och så sprider sig ringarna på vattnet och fler vill yoga och fler mår bra!”

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