A story about Boundaries

A story about Boundaries

Back when I started the part of my practice that involves reading about chakras, which is to me the foundation of the understanding of the yoga communication, I assumed you close your chakras after practice. I read about it. I had teachers teaching me about it and I did it. After a chakra cleansing meditation I always, quickly closed the chakras fully or left them just a little open. Today I think differently. Many messages have come to me about the importance of keeping the chakras opened all the time. In fact, when there ... READ ON

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Ode to Spring and a recipe for an allergy free beginning

Ode to Spring and a recipe for an allergy free beginning

Ode to Spring and a recipe for an allergy free beginning

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

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Att vara i flödet

Att vara i flödet

Bara sedan jag tog beslutet att pausa Facebook har jag färdigställt min e-bok om Postpartum och den fjärde trimestern. Kanske endast för att flödet fick mer spelrum och därmed ökade fokuset. Det är dags att släppa taget om vissa skapelser nu och ge dem ut till universum. Jag har arbetat med och skrivit på den här boken i närmre 1.5 år. Det känns fint att...

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Voice it

Voice it

I ask you, what is one thing you can do to raise your voice?

What is one thing YOU can do to stand up for love and show that there is room for everybody?

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move within the dizziness that is you: never stop dancing.

move within the dizziness that is you: never stop dancing.

On the first evening, I softly welcomed the music into my body by absorbing the comforting concerts through every cell. Eyes closed, I let the vibrations work their magic. The following morning offered an inspiring challenge: how to look (as in dive) into the eyes of a stranger. Remembering that maybe you do not even look the people closest to you in the eyes, even if you meet them everyday. In the eyes you truly see the soul: a reflection of yourself and the world. READ ON

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Om att Jorda

Om att Jorda

Mitt i grått ljus, isblåst och tveksamt snöblask behöver jag känna kontakten med ljuset i hjärtat och med Moder Jord. Även om jag oftast vill gömma mig under en filt är det vara ute i naturen jag mest av allt behöver. Och vad jag saknar henne, längtar efter Moder Jord, att få vara nära! Fylla på och ge tillbaka. Det är nu jag behöver påminna mig själv:  Vad är det vi gör i Costa Rica egentligen?  

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