Who should wake you up?

Who should wake you up?

“It is not our job to shake people awake. That is patriarchal behaviour. And there is already too much of it in our world today. Trust that people ARE waking to the higher consciousness, it happens everyday.”


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Om att Jorda

Om att Jorda

Mitt i grått ljus, isblåst och tveksamt snöblask behöver jag känna kontakten med ljuset i hjärtat och med Moder Jord. Även om jag oftast vill gömma mig under en filt är det vara ute i naturen jag mest av allt behöver. Och vad jag saknar henne, längtar efter Moder Jord, att få vara nära! Fylla på och ge tillbaka. Det är nu jag behöver påminna mig själv:  Vad är det vi gör i Costa Rica egentligen?  

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Sisterly Backstabbing and Rise of the Divine Feminine Voice

Sisterly Backstabbing and Rise of the Divine Feminine Voice

" Libra also speaks of our relations through which we see ourselves. I can only pray that Balance is starting to establish now as I try to decode all the lessons that have been thrown at me during these last weeks......

This side, the voice of the Divine Feminine, is where I wish to move deeper into. This is the Higher purpose. I remind myself of this valuable insight in these challenging times..."

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Travel the worlds, within and without

Travel the worlds, within and without

My journeys without led and lead me deeper within. As I began to travel deeper within, I saw and started to understand Change even more...

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Journeying the Costa Rican Mountains

As I write this, I am watching the sun setting behind the mountains in the West. The nightly forest sounds are slowly increasing and the soft quiet rain surround us like a comfy greyish blanket where we sit on the deck. Mountains have always fascinated me and they carry strong medicine; the reminder of how small man is amongst other.

After months of ceremonies, studies and practice I am now spending a few days close to Mother Earth in the mountains south of San José. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities life brings me; studying shamanic traditions with teachers from all over the world; having brothers and sisters across the globe who invite me to their home.

Last weekend we were in the jungle mountains East of San José in Guapíles, to cut bamboo and join a traditional Mexica pipe ceremony. Sunday afternoon, we drove from there, around the mountains and the capital to get to these hills in the South where we are now.

My friend’s house is beautifully built in cedar, overlooking a mountain garden, the river and the hills. What a blessing to be journeying in this world!

Jungle Journeys and Yoga in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Have you noticed how vibrantly green everything gets after rain?

Weather in the Caribbean has been weird lately with days of endless pouring rain. After two days of waterfalls outside the window, Father Sun came back today. We greeted him down by the ocean; tide was high, the beach empty and the morning early. We sung to him as waves were rolling in. Suddenly, summer’s proper heat was back and the day is only getting hotter! We are spending the warmest hour of the day indoors, taking a siesta, while most tourists just woke up. Biking through town this morning showed us there is still, despite being Tuesday, a big group of backpackers and other tourists in town. They were all headed towards town and the beach as we were on our way back home...

Enjoy the pictures of Masai (dog), Medicinal Plant tour, bugs, the astonishing full moon and the waterfall Dos Vueltas.

We rent a small casita (house) in Cocles Beach, a few kilometers from town and about 200 meters to the ocean. Thanks to its concrete floor and shady location, we have a cool working space even during mid-day. And, yes, after a few weeks of ceremonies and studies I am now working again. That is to say, combining work with studies- as always the sweetest way of life! Tomorrow starts a Warrior Path’s yoga immersion at the Garden, guided by my magic friend Jerusha, which I’ll be attending. In addition, Wednesday and Saturday mornings I’ll be guiding a Bhakti Flow and a Morning Flow yoga class, and there will be TWO Yin and Drum workshops the coming weeks. Check out Calendar for info!

There you have it guys, a regular day in the Caribbean. Stay updated more frequently on Instagram: @foodbymagie where I share food experiences and new organic and local creations.

Please tell me what you like to read about!

What is shamanic journeying?

Stories from shamanic journeys?

More information about Puerto Viejo/nearby/Costa Rica?


Regular day-to-day life?


Post in the comments below, or contact me on social media!


Mucho amor, luz y paz