Seeing the world upside down
/It’s early Sunday morning and I’m slowly pedalling my bike to the Shala for a 4 hours inversions practice with Ashtangi Mariela Cruz.
I slow down even more as I pass my favourite part of the path. The trees of the jungle are high on each side of the road and behind them you can glimpse the blue ocean. I always ponder about their greatness. Standing there, tall and proud, basking in greenness: completely rooted and reaching high towards the sky. Like the foundation of an asana: feet are grounded and all four corners are connected with the earth to stay balanced, and the spine straightened.
The foundation of posture and the basics of life: to keep balance in every storm.
Los árboles altos
Since I moved to Costa Rica I’ve met many strong, independent, inspiring and enthusiastic women. Mariela is one of them. Mother of 7 and a great teacher, how does she do it?! Committed to her practice, she talks about moving one step forward and two back. Determination. Love. Healing. I remember again. Ashtanga, my first true love. My guidance. Even after 4 hours of practice I’m not tired, but filled with energy and love.
During my travels within this loving country, I’ve also met many inspiring men. Men who acknowledge and cherish the feminine energy, who see the importance of Mother Earth and to keep both sides balanced. They understand love, and they understand the oneness. It is indeed inspiring and I am grateful for all the unexpected meetings I’ve come across here.
And I’m grateful for everybody who teaches me about love
For my journeys
For the people in my life
For life
For Yoga
The inversions connect you with the higher chakras, and allow you to see the world from a different angle. It requires courage and laughter. And then you know. Maybe falling isn’t too bad.
handstand practice
Pura Vida