In the midst of Autumn Equinox 2016

In the midst of Autumn Equinox 2016

"I stand tall in the rain of hurt and sadness, I feel my light anchored in the ground. 

Transformation could be nasty,  

change is a mess.  

The heart tells me

I am Light

I am Truth..."

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Visit Småland och The lands of Legends/Sagobygden

Visit Småland och The lands of Legends/Sagobygden

"Jag har varit i många länder och sett många fantastiska ställen över hela världen. Småland är ett av dessa ställen. Jag slutar aldrig förundras av dess skönhet och många..."

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Fullmåne Stenbocken 20.07.16 kl.00.59

Fullmåne Stenbocken 20.07.16 kl.00.59

Efter nymånens dyk ner i kräftans djupa feminina vatten kommer stenbockens nymåne med utrymmen för omstrukturering och organisering. Detta maskulina faders-tecken ger en överblick i vad som behöver en ny form och struktur i våra liv.  Det kan lätt bli tumultartat, förvirrat och rörigt i...

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Time for a new era

Time for a new era

The only true way is to write from the heart. Speak always from your heart and people will listen.

I am so much more than these travel stories and journeys you’ve been able to find here on this blog. I love a lot of things- I don’t fit in to ONE niche. 

I refuse to be caged, limited or change my heart to fit into your boxes of definitions.

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Yoga and Allergy (first published in April, 2015)

How to eliminate asthma and allergies with natural means!

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Creating Space

Clearing. Chopping. Raking. Cutting. Lifting. Moving.

The muddy jungle soil covers my face, my hands, and fills the space underneath my nails to make me understand we are one and the same.

Moving rocks from one place to another; creating paths and openings. New beginnings. Release.

Ticks are biting and crawling all over my legs and up the ass, biting again even harder this time. Itchy, muddy sweaty and part of it all.

Open circles opening the heart. And we become spirals and trees.




Mama Jungle says:" Lift your head. Raise your eyes towards the tall trees. Rest here. In the space you created."


We share the silence of focus. Snakes bless our work. We are welcome here. She gifts us bamboo trees and we chop them, flatten them and build a bridge.

We build a bridge to unite the people.

Raking and clearing. The wheelbarrow fills up: what is not wanted in one place gets an important role somewhere else. Paths are made. The secret passageway in the jungle starts to show for the one who looks.

We create paths across the worlds.

And you are welcome here,  dear one. We are all welcome here.

Indiana Jones hanging bridge

Indiana Jones hanging bridge



I am blessed with having family in many parts of the globe. It is with deep gratitude and humility me and my husband offer our service to Mother Earth. To create and hold ceremonial space is such profound work. I and we are happy and grateful to be part of this creations work; to plant seeds of community and to share the tales of ancient traditions. Everywhere we go, we will carry this work in our hearts and our feet. And we invite you to join the feast!

More tales will come, the land will expand.

Thank you.


Cantantes and Tatarahuehue

Cantantes and Tatarahuehue